Lev shifted the zipper on her Gym uniform jacket up and down. "It's so hot out here," she complained. "I don't like heat...I'm so sweaty and I'm not even doing anything." 

"Listen up, pipsqueaks! The fun has arrived!" an extremely loud voice proclaimed. Lev's head whipped around to see a large man in a red tracksuit walking up to the class. "I apologize for my tardiness! The Headmaster needed us for an early staff meeting this morning and I wasn't able to eat my daily intake of raw eggs! But, now, I'm ready for teaching!"

"Did he say...raw eggs?" Ace whispered, his face pale. A few flowers fell from his hair.

Lev suddenly felt nauseous. "Yes...yes, he did."

Please don't say he's gonna make us eat raw eggs every day...

"I'm Vargas!" the large man stated proudly. "I'm in charge of teaching athletics to you little bean sprouts! Becoming a great wizard starts with your muscles! Just look at me! You baby wizards have no stamina, so we're going to start with 20 laps then 100 push-ups! Go!" 

Ace sighed as they got up and started running. The rest of the flowers fell from his hair, disappointing Lev.

"Not into sports?" she asked, tying the hanging parts of her hair back into a ponytail. 

"No, it's not that I'm not into sports," Ace told her, tightening the arms of his jumpsuit around his waist. "I just can't deal with those kinds of teachers."

Lev nodded. "He does seem a little...I don't know...overly confident?"

Deuce shrugged. "I don't mind. I've got quite a bit of confidence in my stamina. I'm gonna leave you all in the dust!" He picked up his pace and ran ahead of them.

"Hey! Stop it! There's no way I'm gonna let you win!" Ace shouted, picking up his own speed. 

Lev sighed. When did this become a competition?

"I don't see what's so fun about this," Grim grumbled. "I'm not a freaking hamster, so why do I have to run in circles?"

Lev shook her head. "I dunno. That's just the way things are, unfortunately." She groaned. "I hate Gym."

"Weird, 'cuz you seem really good at it," Grim pointed out.


"Look at all those guys," Grim said, tilting his head in the direction of the other students who were struggling to keep at a fast and steady pace. "They're all looking like they're having a hard time keeping a watch on their stamina. But you've gone this same pace the entire time and haven't slowed down one bit, and it's not like you're going slow either."

"Hm, I suppose you're right," Lev muttered. And it was true, she had been keeping up a fairly fast jog and she didn't feel too much discomfort. "It might be from activities I did when I was younger," she thought aloud, then something hit her. "Grim? Did you just complement me?" 

Grim flinched, also realizing what he had just said. "What? No! You're probably just hearing things, girlie."

"Perhaps, but thanks, anyway," she said, smiling.

Grim just grumbled something she couldn't understand.


~Another small time skip~


After they had gotten cleaned and changed out of their Gym outfits, the small group stood in one of the large hallways, waiting for their Break Period to end so they could get to their next class.

Deuce pulled the piece of paper out from his pocket and looked at hit. "Hmm...Looks like our next class is...wait...that's not it..."

"Ugh," Ace groaned. "For a school of magic, this place isn't that much different from a normal school. Not having magic hasn't been a problem at all."

"You're saying that like it's a problem," Lev said, straightening her jacket. "I rather like it, nice and simple, nothing too crazy. What do you think, Grim?" She looked around her feet. "Uh-oh."

And the bad feeling returns.

"Look!" Deuce shouted, pointing out the window. "The fuzzball is making a beeline through the courtyard." Sure enough, a small black and blue speck was just visible dashing across the courtyard, startling students and dashing through bushes and plants.

"I swear I took my eyes off him for one second..." Lev whimpered, several worse-case-scenarios already running through her mind.

Deuce shook his head in disbelief. "Making a break for it already...he never learns."

Ace chuckled. "Seriously, Lev. Your first day as Supervisor and you already have to report that you lost him? HA!" 

Lev puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. "This isn't funny!" And it wasn't to her. Grim was small and was good at hiding, not to mention he had magic, even if it was limited. Catching him by herself was going to be a challenge.

"Nope, it's hilarious!" Ace sneered. "So~Do you want some help catching him~?" 

"Yes, please!" Lev begged, grabbing the other student's sleeves.

"Alright, buy me a chocolate croissant," Ace agreed with a large grin.

"Eh?!" Lev gasped.

"I'll help you for an iced latte from the cafeteria," Deuce added. They both looked at her expectantly, knowing she had no choice.

Lev just growled, not backing down. She hoped that by standing her ground, the boy would lessen their price.

Ace glanced out the window, "Oh no, look! Grim's getting away! What'll you do~?" he shouted dramatically.

Ugh. Boys.

"Fine! Fine!" Lev agreed. "I despise you both."

Ace smirked. "It's a deal. Now then, Deuce, should we clean up after our pathetic, little prefect?"

An identical smirk to Ace's grew on Deuce's face. "Sure thing, Ace. I'm looking forward to lunch."


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