Chapter 26 - Behind the Scene

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"Did you?" Ava questioned shooting daggers at him.

He didn't. But at that moment he wasn't ready to give up for his mistakes. She was too precious to let go.

"I were hurt," Archie said.

"So am I," Ava said, glaring him. "And I don't want to listen to you. Get out, now."

He was hurting her more than helping. He almost wanted to leave if that meant she would be in peace but her injuries stopped him.

"I'll leave without second word, just let me look at your wounds." Archie said, resisting to reach out for her hands.

"I can look after myself." Ava gritted. "Leave."

"No," Archie said, stubborn this time. "Am not leaving without treating you."

Ava glared him and he held her heated stares with steady gaze.

"If that sends you away, fine," Ava said, sounding a bit exhausted.

Relieved, he looked around for first-aid kit and finding it in drawer, sat beside her again.

As Archie applied the ointment on her wounds, his heart squeezed in pain whenever Ava hissed in pain. His eyes filled up as he realized he wouldn't be able to live without her.

"Ava, I'll never distrust you again, I promise," Archie cried.

Her eyes glossed and she looked away to hid her tears. Holding her face, he caressed her cheek with thumb.

"It was wrong of me to hurt someone like you. You deserve someone better than me but I still beg you to stay by my side. Because I need you," Archie said earnestly.

A treacherous tear dropped from her eye.

"I'm really sorry," Archie said, wiping her tear while his own soaked his cheeks.

"Am sorry too," Ava cried, holding his hand. "I should've told you just as this started. I just didn't want to hurt you and didn't want to lose you either."

"I didn't understand you, Av. I won't do this again." Archie said pulling her face closer.

"Just promise me you won't push me out even if am at fault. You can't imagine how I spend these days without you." Ava touched his cheeks, while tears fell freely.

"I won't, I promise. We'll sort everything together." Archie said, resting his forehead on hers, their noses touched, soothing their hearts from the painful anguish of heartache.


"What do you think about Ash?" Ethan asked, his gaze directed to the closed door where Amelia had pointed Ashley was. He were spending awful time behind those closed doors.

There was no reply once again, forcing him to turn back to her and read the answer on face. Her face showed confusion as her hand worked on filling the glass with juice.

"I mean about those unnatural stuff he talked yesterday." Ethan clarified, leaning on the chair of dining table, confident that her gestures wouldn't work on this question. She had to speak.

"Why do you care when you clearly accepted his words," Amelia answered with heat, pulling the chair to sit down for her breakfast.

"Did I say he is right?" Ethan asked, leaning forward to look straight in her eyes.

"You didn't object either," Amelia answered with sarcasm, taking the sandwich.

"Sometimes you have to be silent for your own benefit." Ethan muttered thinking of his purpose.

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