Am I?

9 1 3

Why is the voice getting stronger

Can't it see that it has already won

I don't want to live anymore

Are you happy

Soon I'm leaving

Don't expect me to find a savior

Nobody will save me

This isn't a cliche love story where the depressed girl meets her lover who helps her become happy

This is the harsh reality where instead of finding love and happiness the girl kills herself because the pain is too much to bear

It's like a wound with a knife reopening it every day

Each time it goes deeper

Each time the wound gets bigger

Soon the wound will be too big and so deep that she will lose her life because of the pain

At least without life there is no pain

Unless of course you go to hell

At this point I wonder if I'm actually dead and is this my hell

Or is God punishing me for all of the wrongful deeds I have done in the past

If you are then I guess I deserve it

I mean your judgement is never wrong

I just wonder what I have done that was so bad for you to punish me this way

I guess I'll never know

Well at least I had a somewhat good life

Goodbye world

I wish that I could be more strong so that I can fight for my family

At this point I feel like I'm too far gone

I don't know

Am I?


I'm fine. Everything is okay. Bye.

January 24, 2021


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