Chapter 18 - Housewarming

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Nat's POV

After I had taken a shower I looked through my clothes, trying to decide what to wear. I finally picked out a simple flowy black jumpsuit, black stilettos, and bright red lipstick.

I was surprised that we were having a party at all considering we were had our first mission yesterday night and everyone is no doubt still exhausted. But anyway, I guess Tony had other ideas. I walked out of my apartment and into the hallway. I glanced at the time as I walked towards the elevator.

Turns out that I was running a few minutes late, great. Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it now. I arrived at the correct floor and was greeted with what looked to be a ballroom or at least that is what was listed in the floor guide in my room.

All of the boys were already there milling around and they all turned towards me as I entered. I quickly realized that I was a little overdressed for the occasion as the boys were all just in dress shirts and pants. Oh well, can't do anything about it now.

I walked over to them as they all just stood there gawking at me.

"Close your mouths before you catch flies." I quipped whilst striding past them to the bar to get myself a drink. If I had to be around these goofballs, I at least need a drink. I grabbed a glass of vodka and then re-joined the group who were now just talking amongst themselves.

"What kind of party is this Tony? Where is all the usual pizazz?" I asked him as the party was a lot different from any of the other parties of his that I had been to. There were no lights, music, hundreds of random people; nothing. He shrugged in response and I rolled my eyes. Smirking, I walked over to the speaker and plugged my phone into it.

I played some upbeat music and somehow flicked a switch which dimmed the lights and bright lights now took up the space. I stood back and admired my handy work. Now it felt more like a party. Now we just need a drink and a game... what games are usually played at a party?

I glanced around the room to see what I could come up with. That's when my eyes landed on a non-descript door. I walked over to it to get a closer look and I quickly realized it was a party store cupboard.

I could feel 4 pairs of eyes staring at my back whilst I worked but I didn't care. I wasn't going to waste my time at a boring party, I was going to make it enjoyable even if it is just for my own sake.

I looked around in the cupboard, there were balloons, streamers, tables, flowers, more lights, and tonnes of other party decorations. But that's when I spotted it. Exactly what I wanted. A pool table pushed up against one of the doors.

I lifted it off the wall and put it back on the ground, right side up. I rolled it out of the storeroom and into the middle of the room. Over the years I have gotten good at pool and it would feel great if I could beat all of the men at it.

As I rolled it out, all of the boy's faces lit up.

"Righto boys, who's up for a game?" I asked, smirking flirtatiously at them. Everyone nodded except for Bruce who opted to sit this one out and just watch instead.

"You guys sort out the teams, I am going to get more drinks," I announced as I walked back over to the bar. I grabbed several beers, shots, and wine bottles from under the counter and brought them back over to the group. I had also grabbed a full bottle of vodka for myself.

Once the drinks were handed out, I re-joined the group at the pool table.

"Did you sort out the teams?" I asked, swigging on my huge bottle and then placing it down beside me.

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