Part 3 the start of the storm

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Ok so I have lost a lot of readers and even though that saddens me I knew it would happen after taking such a long break form writing but to those who have kept reading thank you very very much and thank you for commenting on the chapters also happy new year to everyone i have been busy with family things and now am getting back to typing.

As the dark clouds rolled towards adventure bay getting closer and closer by the second it was clear jakes mountain was the first place that was going to be hit by the massive storm no one knew what was about to happen and how much damage it would being and how many people would be hurt by it.
Meanwhile Rex was on his way to adventure bay after been called by Ryder to look after the town while he and the other pups had gone to Australia to help out Rose. Ryder had also told him that two over pups would be joining him in looking after the town and maybe even a third.
The dark clouds came over Jakes mountain a heavy white out snow storm suddenly started out of no where. Jake was shocked as the suddenly storm came out of no where it was very bad as the winds got super strong and we're blowing down trees and blowing them down the mountain into cars on the road and the cable car stations damaging them and stoping the cable car.
Jake: oh no this is going to be very bad I wish Ryder and the pups were here this will damage everything up here.
In no time at all Jakes house was under snow and ice as the storm got worse the whole cable car came crashing down into the snow with lots of people on it now hurt and some trapped in the snow. The wind died down abit but the snow kept falling and falling and falling as the temperature fell very quickly lots of people were at risk of freezing to death.
Rex was caught in the snow storm as he came out of the cave that went to the Dino wilds.
Rex: oh my what is all this snow and wind doing it isn't winter or storm season
Rex was finding it very very hard to drive though the snow as it kept on coming down fast it was even filling up the inside of his car as parts of his car were starting to freeze.
Rex; oh no oh no oh no come on you can do it we just need to make it to town you can't break down on me here in the middle of this.
His car suddenly stopped in the middle of the snow.
Rex: "oh no" Rex quickly got out and braked "pup house" his car just turned into his pup house and let him in and closed the door before freezing fully inside it was kinda warm but Rex could feel the temp dropping inside with then snow filling in around him and the storm still going he had no idea what to do.

End chapter 3
Yes I know another small short chapter and yet again basiclly no one commenting mmm why isn't another commenting I know I'm not the writer I use to be but I'm trying my best thank you
Lpp out

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