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*Bakugo and Midoriya had been dating for about a year and they were both 17 so about the second year of being at UA. And they were called out at about 2:00 A.M to fight a 50 ft nomu near some building and road construction*

bakugo yelled as he landed one final blast at the nomu and and sent him smashing across the way into a big glass building.

"Ha. Ha, hahahaha!! We did it deku!"
Bakugo had just enough energy to pump a fist and shout. He didn't get a response to from his lil broccoli as izuku would usually be cheering as well, so he started to look around.

"Deku? Deku?" The second time a little more stern but he was starting to get worried. He starts to hear slight groans from the construction a little ways away to his right.

*its like the steel beams from the end of season 4 but with rebar at the bottom*

He hears the groans he meekly half whispers "De-ku?" And starts sprinting to the edge of the 2ft deep square pit that makes up the base of where the rebar is sticking up out of the ground.

When he finally sees Deku he immediately breaks into tears and jumps down and races to him.

Deku is laying in the bottom of the pit barely breathing with 3 pieces of rebar sticking out of him. One in his thigh and the other two in his chest.

Bakugo skids to a stop next to him while desperately trying to think of how this had happened. All he could remember was the last hit izuku took, which was a sideswipe from the nomu that sent him flying towards the construction sight. Bakugo had just assumed that deku could still push through even though they were both badly beaten up already, and save himself like he always had. Not this time. 'He probably got knocked out midair' Besides bakugo had no idea the rebar was there.

He tried to shake dekus shoulders which caused dekus panicked eyes to turn to look at him with a little blood coming out of his mouth.

"Hey, sorry i-" deku coughs blood. "sorry I could help out as much in the end"

Bakugo still crying, "d-dont wo-worry about it. J-just focus on staying alive ok?" Yells with sobs and voice cracking- "PLEASE! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP US!!!" He takes out his phone but its busted "DAMMNIT!!" and throws it. "Just hang in there ok? You'll be fine"

"huh, I guess this makes us even then"


"In the test against all might you passed out and I saved you. Now this time I passed out and you stopped the villain" cough laughs weakly

"Tch, damn nerd, I wasnt this badly injured that time."

Suddenly deku gets this moment of clarity in his eyes and grips bakugos hand tightly causing bakugo grab onto the one with his both.

"Babe, I know you don't want to hear it but I dont have a lot of time."

"D-dont say that!" You're going to make it!"

"I'm sorry, but it's true. You will move on, fine someone else, have kids and become the #1 hero."

"No I wont! You are the only one for me! You are the only one who can put up with my crap and actually forgave me after all those years. I'm so sorry."

"Stop, you know I already forgave you. Dont be held back. Move on, I give you permission."

deku is speaking weaker now causing bakugos tears to flow more freely and causing even calm deku to shed a few.

"Now before I go... Can I have one last kiss? Please Kacchan?"

"Sure n-nerd"

Bakugo slowly and gingerly leans down and they both close their eyes as they enjoy one final sweet kiss.

Bakugos stops when dekus grip on his hand slacks and his lips slow to a stop.

Only then does bakugo finally sit back and take a minute. He finally rips off his gauntlets and and just sits and sobs and screams for his lost love until back up comes because they've been gone too long so around dawn was bakugo led back to his dorm by sensei midnight and was met by a crowd of students getting ready for class.

Kirishima met him first when he gets back "Hey bro why the long face? You're here in one piece so imma bet you kicked the bastards ass" as he says this kiri laughs and throws one arm around bakugos shoulder to walk with him but at this sudden touch bakugo whips sideways and pins kirishima to the wall by the neck already heating up both his hands to a glowing orange even though they are really not that hot

Denki: whoa there bakugo-

But before bakugo can say anything ochako and mina ask the one question both him and midnight had been hoping to avoid until bakugo was back in his room as he was excused from school because of the incident

Ochako and mina: Oh, hey bakugo, wheres deku?

As soon as the words were in the air bakugos hand tightened as he broke out in angry tears again and started screaming



Midnight had to knock him out before he caused actual harm knowing he would just get more defensive if tried to reason with.

"People starting to get worried because they've never seen bakugo act like this before.

Jiro was the first to speak up after Kirishima was checked on
"Midnight? What happened? Where deku?"

Midnight sighed sadly. "Ok, you will have to find out soon anyway. Someone help me carry him to his room first though."

After Sero and Denki helped midnight deposit Bakugo on his bed under a blanket midnight went back down stairs and explained what had happened. Everyone knew they were dating so they now understood why Bakugo acted as he did.
Everyone stood in the common room hugging each other and crying with each other while midnight went and told principal nezu that the students were all excused for the week at least and he complied.

For the next week the entire dorm was very quiet broken only by the quiet sobs of the occasional people in the halls or kitchen. Bakugo on the other hand was alternating between extreme anger and extend sadness. He could either be found sobbing in his room or obliterating trees around campus. The other classes made sure to stay out of his way (even monoma quieted down) as they had heard what had happened and really did not want to cross paths with bakugos bad side at the moment. If you were luck you could catch him in the calmish/kind mood midoriya had left in his heart.

After a long while everything started to slowly and carefully pick up again. Starting with light training classes and half days. Each mending the broken damage of their hearts.

One day bakugo decides to go see his mom and inko.

(Please tell me what you guys think in the comments, this is my first story😊😁)

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