We're currently on our way to the club, I'm wearing jeans with fishnets and a black crop top. The girls are all in dresses and Leslie has her bride to be sash on. As soon as we're let into the club we find a booth and they immediately order a round of shots. I don't plan on drinking much just so I can coherently text with corpse throughout the night. I grab my phone texting him letting him know we're at the club. We sit around the table for a bit talking and sipping on our drinks, I got a corona with a lime and another shot but of tequila.

They all look over at me "how are you and corpse?" Leslie asks wiggling her eyebrows. I blush biting the inside of my lip already thinking of him "we're good, we're good, it's just shifted since we told the fans, they wanna know so much and were being private, like they know he's a private person and I'm also a private person so it's sort of annoying that they keep pushing" I rant a little bit. They nod understandingly "I get that, but how are you and corpse" she leans in wiggling her eyebrows again. I laugh rolling my eyes "we're good, I've started going over there more than he comes over so his anxiety isn't too much" I answer. She nods "and in bed?" She asks.

Poki, Rae,and Janet all laugh "I'm sure they're good with that, she's loud" poki says. "Oh so he's good?" Jodi asks. I blush a bit more and I nod "a lady doesn't talk about how her man is in bed, BUT he is the best I've had" I say. "Amelia you've slept with like 3 guys" Rae points out. "Ok and? He's number 1 and it's not that hard the other two sucked" I reply. They all laugh silently and we get more shots. I finish my beer right after "I've gotta go pee, anyone coming?" I ask. They shake their heads and I nod and head to the bathroom.

I quickly go pee and wash my hands. When I turn the corner to go back to the booth I'm shoved against the wall with a hand tightly holding my neck choking me. "You can't be here looking that sexy and expect me not to see you" I hear in my ear. My eyes widen and I panic, "j-Jared, let me go you bastard" I say trying to breath. Not even a full minute later I'm close to passing out, before everything goes black I hear the girls yelling and shouting for Jared to back off. "I've called the cops for him breaching the restraining order" Rae says. I can still hear them but I can't see, all I see is black. "Someone call corpse, let him know what's going on" Leslie says sounding panicked.

The next thing I know I'm opening my eyes and Rae's at my bed side with poki, jodi and Janet at the end with their head in their hands. "Wh-what's going on?" I whisper looking around. They all shoot up "oh my god thank god" Rae says. "Did anyone tell corpse?" I ask. Leslie nods "yeah I did, he stopped his stream and I talked with him for a few hours" she says. "How long has it been?" I ask. "It happened at 11:30 and it's now 6am" Jodi answers. I nod and look at Leslie "what did he say? Is he ok?" I ask. She nods and grabs my hand "yes he's ok, he said his anxiety is too much to come and visit, you'll be out sometime today, cops have a few questions for you" she says.

After explaining everything to the cops and answering questions for about an hour they head out and the girls come back. "The nurses have a few questions for you" Rae says. I nod and a nurse comes in, "they can stay, they know everything about me" I say. She nods "okay, these are a few of the same questions the cops asked, if at anytime it gets to be too much just say so and I will stop" she says. I nod "go on" I say. "At any point in your relationship with mr. Walker did he rape you?" She asks. I shake my head "no, he wasn't aggressive or anything during our relationship he got aggressive almost a year after the breakup when I had publicly announced that I had a boyfriend" I answer. She nods "did he rape you or make any advances after the breakup?" She asks. "When we were in Vegas for my birthday he showed up and tried to get me back then shortly after he found me in the grocery store parking lot and pinned me to my car, I got a restraining order on him" I answer. She nods writing it down.

Just another streamer (A Corpse Story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora