The Toad Who Would Be Prince

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Daytime, Kagome is swimming in an idyll pond. She is wearing a bathing suit, while her school clothes, a towel and a float lie on a nearby rock.

Kagome:  (stands up and raises her hands in the air) Oh,wow this is so nice! The water is clean,the air is fresh!It's not bad being in the Middle Ages !

Inuyasha :  (resting on a tree nearby) we've been away for three days now! You said if we left the village, we would find more jewel pieces out here in Musashi but..

Myoga :  (sitting on a branch, looking in the distance)yeah, yeah, sure, whatever.

Inuyasha:  are you listening to me or what?!

Myoga: huh ? Oh, yes of course your right. But I was a bit distracted by that young lady down there.

Inuyasha:  listen you!

Myoga:  (hops onto Inuyasha's knee) I'm just going to check on her ok?

Inuyasha:you're just gonna get clobbered! I wouldn't do it if I were you??
Something flashes past Inuyasha and catches his attention. Inuyasha gets off the tree and chases it, passing by Myoga.

Myoga:  lord inuyasha... you naughty boy!you couldn't resist either!
Inuyasha leaps among some trees. Cut to Kagome. She notices something, turns around and screams. Cut to Inuyasha in midair lying towards her, looking shocked. Inuyasha lands on a rock in the pond and struggles to balance himself.

Inuyasha:  geez would you not scare me like that!! It's not what you think!

Kagome:  (points)it's not because of you, it's because of my clothes!
Inuyasha looks in the direction where Kagome was pointing to. The thing that was flashed past him just now turns out to be a little white baboon. It continues sprinting off. A whistle is heard in the background.

Inuyasha:  I heard a whistle?

A young man sits under a tree, with his hand over his mouth, whistling. The baboon from just now hops towards him with Kagome's clothes and into his lap.

Man: oh that's a good boy. What did you bring me this time??(reaches into the bundle of clothes and takes out a bra) Th-this...isn't something to eat! (Hiyoshimaru shrieks and slaps his forehead)

Inuyasha:  (pops of out a nearby bush, clenching his fists) Hey!

Kagome:  (pops out behind Inuyasha) give me my clothes back!

Man:  (unsheathes his sword and points it at Inuyasha and Kagome) Wh-who are you?! You look suspicious!

Inuyasha:  (kicks the young man in the face) we were about to say the same thing.Hiyoshimaru shrieks, raises his arms and runs around in circles.

[ End of ACT I: 2min 9sec ]

[ Title screen: The Toad Who Would Be Prince ]

[ ACT II ]
The young man sits under a tree, munching on a bag of potato chips ravenously. Hiyoshimaru sits on his shoulder biting into one piece of chip. Kagome kneels next to him, and Inuyasha lies on the curved tree trunk.

Kagome:  You really must've been hungry. (holds up her hand) Want some tea?

Man: thank you (takes the tea and sips)

Kagome:  (reaches into her bag and takes out a bag of food) and there's something in here for you too.

Inuyasha:  No thank you!

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