The Girl Who Over Time and The Boy Who Was just Overcome.

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[ ACT I ]
In a remote village surrounded by mountains. The villagers wear rustic feudal era clothes.
Villagers: (running, terrified) It's Inuyasha!
Inuyasha leaps into the sky while trapped in a net. He slashes at the net maliciously and frees himself. Grappling hooks are shot at him, but he dodges easily. Cut to a temple, Inuyasha grins evilly and looks at a necklace with a pink orb that glows. He grabs it. Villagers barge it, throwing spears at him. One of the weapons knock into a lantern and the temple catches fire. Inuyasha escapes through the roof. The temple roof explodes.
Inuyasha:Finally a way to become a full demon at last.(looks intently at the orb on the necklace, and lands)

Priestess: (drawing an arrow) Inuyasha!

Inuyasha turns back while running, and the arrow hits him in the chest, pinning him to a tree behind him.

Inu: ugh.

The necklace falls out of his hands. The priestess look at inuyasha determinedly.

(weakly) Ki...Kikyo...!... could... i thought.(raises hand, struggles for awhile and becomes unconscious)

kikyo falls to her knees weakly, showing a trail of blood behind her. A little girl with an eye patch on rushes up to her.
Little girl: Big Sister!
Villager 1: Lady Kikyo! That wound!!

Little girl: Sister... your hurt really badly.

Kikyo (struggling)i forgot who i... and now (picks up the necklace)And all for this... the sacred jewel which.... (winces in pain).

Little girl: (supporting kikyo) Sister, let someone....

Kikyo: dont worry i wont feel it much longer ,So listen to me, Kaede. Take this Shikon no Tama and burn it with my body. It must never get into the hands of those who would abuse it.(clenches the orb on the necklace tightly and falls onto her side).

Kaede: sister kikyo(yelling)Sister kikyoooo!

Image of kikyo in flames, holding the necklace in a prayer stance, with her eyes closed.
kikyo   (voice-over) The Sacred Jewel...I shall take it with me to the other world.
kikyo falls into the flames.
End of ACT I:
[ Title screen: The Girl Who Overcame Time... and the Boy Who Just Overcome ]
[ ACT II ]
Tokyo. In a shrine.
Kagome:  A Shikon no...what??
GRAMPS: shikon no tama my girl.
Kagome:  (holding up a keychain with a mini-plaque of Japanese characters and a purple orb dangling at the bottom) you dont think people are gonna buy these dumb keychains... do you???
GRAMPS: : (holding a similar chain with a pink orb) thats not just  a keychain. That keychain is a replica of an ancient Jewel which... A cat's paw appear and starts pawing at the orb the girl is holding, making a noise. The girl is distracted and teases the cat with the keychain. The old man glares at them and coughs.
GRAMPS: (serious)of an ancient Jewel which... (sees that the girl is still playing with the cat, says louder)an ancient jewel...
Kagome:  (clenches keychain and interrupts in a hopeful voice) you do remember its my birthday tomorrow right??
GRAMPS:  (laughs nervously) well i planned to wait another day but...
Kagome:  so you did get me something, hand  it over !? (excited)
GRAMPS:   (kagome looks at her present incredulously) That my dear is a authentic  mummified hand of a water imp which...
Kagome:  (disappointed)here buyo,eat . (gives her present of the water imp's hand to the cat, who bites into it and walk away)
GRAMPS:   ahh!! thats an antique!! (tries to catch the cat but face onto his face)
Cut to boxes of Sacred Jewel key chains in the back of the room.
kagome:  (voice-over) "replica this, authentic that here ,everything has a story.Cut to dinnertime. Gramps holds up a pickle with his chopsticks.
GRAMPS:Why these pickles are full of history...
kagome:  (irritated and interrupts) not half as full as you are!!
GRAMPS:  (bows head in embarrassment)
Nighttime. Cut to courtyard of the shrine. A small hut and then a huge tree with charms around it are shown.
KAG:  (voice-over) The thousand-year-old sacred tree. The legend of the Hidden Well. I've heard these  stories all my life. I never believed a word of it. That is...(cut to hut) Until fifteenth birthday. (nighttime view of hut fades to daytime)
Cut to busy morning in Tokyo. Students and office workers fill the streets.

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