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Like every other book club out there, we have very strict rules. If you break any of them twice, you will be kicked out. If you happen to be kicked out, you will get a private message saying "We regret to inform you that you have been exiled from Afterthoughts. You may complete the form in two days to destroy your exile. have a nice day!"

Rule #1:
You MUST follow this account AND both of the ones below.
@artemissilva0814 and @Buddy2182008

Rule #2:
Add this book to your library or a reading list to get news on updates.

Rule #3:
If you are entering a book, only books with 3 (three) or more story chapters are allowed in. Prologues count!

Rule #4:
Post thoughtful comments. Not ones like - "Loved it!" or "Great job!"

Rule #5:
Be kind to fellow members and staff

Rule #6:
DO NOT skim the chapters. We are looking for genuine readers, not ones who just want to increase that read number.

Rule #7:

That is all. You may now go to the next chapter.

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