About the Club

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Welcome to Afterthoughts. This is home to some of the best writers out there. Writers who work hard every day to deliver you amazing works of art that they put their hearts and souls into. SO BE NICE! Don't go "Oh. This isn't very good. Go curl up in a hole and die" CAUSE THAT'S RUDE!

If you do that, you are showing what a piece of-- *deep breath* Just be nice alright? I don't want to have to come after you with a knife. Understood?

These stories are constantly being drowned by the multitude of other amazing works out there. So come here! We can help almost one hundred different writers and over a hundred different book reach stardom!

Please Note:
If you are (or were) a member of Newtatoes Book Club, but don't know who the shuck any of those shanks are, come here! This book club will be drastically different. 

How We Work:
YOU WILL NEED TO FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT!!! It is also recommended to follow our administrators' accounts, but not required.

Announcements are IMPORTANT!!! So don't brush them off! They will report new writers, assignments, and if genres fill up or a new space opens up.

We are starting small, so the genres* we will accept are

1) Fantasy
2) Paranormal
3) Fanfiction
4) Sci-Fi
5) Horror

*If you are looking for other genres, please check out our Newtatoes book club!

We will have a very strict screening process! In order to get your book in, share it with us (via PM) and we will check for: grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Works don't have to be completely polished! This is to help you get better!! But which would you read:

Example 1:
"How u doin?" I askd walking to the teacher. "the real ? is how u doin?'

Example 2:
"Mrs. Shnozzle?" I asked, hesitantly walking up to the front desk.
She stared down at me sternly, her gaze never leaving my face. "The real question, Ms. Nale, is how are your grades doing?"

I know you probably write more like Example 2, but DO NOT LET YOUR WORKS TURN OUT LIKE EXAMPLE 1!!! 

More information will be provided in the "Writing Info" page.


If you don't want to write for this club, that's okay too! There are two categories of readers in this club.

Category 1: Readers who are "official" and active. These readers have filled out the forms and do the assignments when we post them. They are active in all the books we post, and use both constructive criticism and don't post empty comments like "loving this!" or "great chapter!"

Category 2: Readers who are "unofficial". They are just here to have fun and read books. They occasionally read books we post and don't do assignments. They haven't filled out the form, but they are active in the books they read, and use both constructive criticism and don't post empty comments like "loving this!" or "great chapter!"

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