emotions? what the fuck?

Start from the beginning

"okay, bud, you ready for camp?" he asked, trying to put his hand on techno's shoulder. techno pulled out of the touch.


"once camp is over, i'll come and get you, and we can both go and see mom together. okay?" he spoke with a kindness that techno hadn't heard in months. techno looked at him skeptically.

"promise?" he held his pinky finger out.

"promise," his dad linked pinkies.

fourteen days into 'camp' and techno was bored. the days were long and eventless and the people in charge were mean to him. twenty six days into camp, techno was busy learning what was higher than forty, because he'd never counted higher than thirty nine before. forty two days at camp, techno was glad that he'd learned what came after forty. ninety seven days into camp, techno turned six years old, and he realized that camp wasn't going to be 'over'. dad wasn't coming to pick him back up, and they weren't going to see mom together. ninety eight days into camp, techno learned that numbers don't lie, but people do.

"wait, i'm sorry," tommy pulled his blanket up to his chin. "your dad told you that an orphanage was camp?"

techno nodded. "yup."

"dude, that's fucked up," tommy stroked duchess, who had slinked out from under his bed at some point during techno's rambling.

"yeah, no shit," techno rolled his eyes. "can i continue, or does your big mouth have anything else to say?"

"sorry, sorry. continue," tommy settled once again.

from the age of six years and one day, techno had a new day of looking at things. he'd never been very social, but now that the trust that he'd had in the person that he'd cared about most- his father- was broken, he became even less so. instead, he infatuated himself with numbers. unlike people, numbers don't lie to him. fourteen days was always going to be two weeks, no matter what. three hundred and sixty five days would always be a year. 

it was confusing at first- ya know, being six and all, he wasn't really the best with numbers in the beginning, but soon enough, numbers and percentages became his comfort. the first family he was stuck with didn't really seem to understand this.

when techno finally left the orphanage- he had learned what an orphanage was by now- it wasn't into the 'loving' arms of his father. instead, it was to the considerably more cold arms of the robinsons. they were a polite family. they didn't really try to be cold, and they didn't exactly do anything that made them cold, but they just had that sort of vibe about them.

the family was quiet. techno liked quiet. he had his own room that was fucking huge in comparison to the one he had at home. they also had a dog. techno was definitely more of a cat person. dogs were loud, plus they like, jumped around and all that. techno didn't care much for turtle, and he hated that he was called turtle when he was a dog. it just didn't make sense. techno lived with the robinsons for about nine months before being sent back. he was seven now.

"wait, i'm confused," tommy spoke. "why did they get rid of you?" 

"dunno. think some bull about how they weren't really ready for kids or something. they were just fostering and seeing how it worked out," techno explained. "plus the man didn't like me much. asked him all sorts of questions. always wanted to know the temperature, chance of rain. all that,"


"i like numbers,"


"shut up,"

techno was only at the dreadful place for around a month before he was taken in once again. this time by a blonde man with a kind smile and long hair. well, not long, it only went to around his shoulders, but longer than most men that techno had seen before. phil was very nice and very understanding. techno learned this pretty quickly. 

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