christmas special :)

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christmas wasn't really something that tommy particularly cared for. he would even go as far as to say it was his least favourite holiday.

it wasn't a bad holiday or anything, but the last thing that he wanted (or even needed) was another pair of socks or some underwear to add to his overflowing drawer. plus, other holidays were just better.

this being said, the grimace on his face when he was awoken much earlier than he would've liked to have been on christmas morning was more than noticeable.

"tommyy," phil drew out. "it's time to wake upppp,"

tommy groaned and pulled his pillow over his head. "it's winter break," he argued "that literally means i don't have to get up until like noon," he turned so that his back was facing his dad.

"but it's christmas," phil explained, turning the light on despite it having no real affect considering his kid had a pillow over his head and all. "we have presents and shit to open,"

tommy groaned once again. "but phillll," he whined.

"downstairs in five or i'm sending techno up with iced water," phil hummed cheerfully, turning and closing the door behind him as he headed back down stairs to the living room where the other two kids sat waiting. they'd grown accustomed to waking up at 10am on one of their few days of break.

tommy groaned. he doubted phil was playing, and he'd prefer that his blankets (and himself) wouldn't be drenched in fucking freezing water, so he sat up reluctantly, throwing his pillow across the room. duchess, who'd been laying at his feet, jumped up and glared over at tommy.

"sorry, duchess," tommy apologized, reaching over and stroking the cat. he would've loved to just sit there and do that, but the countdown timer to techno and iced water was rapidly decreasing.

he stood up and pulled on some random pair of socks (they weren't matching- just one green one and one rainbow sock) and the stupid fucking christmas sweater that phil had gotten for him. it had a big ass T over the front like he was in a Harry Potter movie or something, and though it was really fucking itchy, and he was a petty fucking teenager, he liked it deep down.

after standing and petting the cat for a few more minutes, he picked her up (receiving only a few meows in protest before she relaxed) and opened his door. he'd already wished his friends a merry christmas, pretty much as soon as the clock hit midnight, so he just left his phone where it sat. he turned his light off and closed the door, turning to the hallway only to see techno on the top step with a glass of ice water and a menacing grin.

the grin faltered once he actually saw tommy. "awee.. i was hoping you'd still be in bed," he made a frown that was quickly replaced with the familiar slight smile that had become his usual expression as of late. "you're holding the cat in case i ran into in the hallway, aren't you?" he asked.

"yup," tommy nodded, meeting techno at the top stair, then the two of them started down at the same time.

"smart play. duchess would kill me if i dumped water on her,"

"yeah, i know. i'm the smartest man ever," tommy grinned.

"oh, are you?" wilbur's voice chimed in from the couch, a skeptical look falling across his tired face. the coffee that he'd currently managed to down two cups of in the last fifteen minutes wasn't doing much for him.

"yeah, i am," tommy sat on the floor beside the couch, waiting for techno to return from the kitchen cup-less before releasing the cat. she hopped on the arm rest right beside his head and relaxed.

"yeah, okay. whatever you say, big man," phil smiled. his kids were idiots, but good idiots that he loved dearly. "you three ready for presents?" he gestured towards the huge tree that sat in the dead center of the living room. in hindsight, the placement of the tree was actually a terrible idea considering if you sat on the actual couch you couldn't see the television.

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