The silence of the cold night was cut through by the sound of a door opening and shutting. Elsie looked towards the door that connected the Astronomy classroom with the overlook to see the boy from earlier today walking out of it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone else would be up here," the boy softly said as he locked eyes Elsie, "I could go if you'd like."

"No, it's okay," Elsie warmly smiled at him, tilting her head and gesturing for him to join her.

He smiled in return and walked over to Elsie, standing directly next to her and copying her stance. He clasped his hands together and leaned his forearms against the metal railing of the over look. She sneakily glanced over at him through the corner of her eyes, and began taking him in. He was wearing a navy blue jumper and a pair of beige khakis that perfectly clung to his body. His hair fell slightly over the right side of his forehead and curled off onto the side of his face. He had a warm smile and an inviting air that just made Elsie want to talk to him for hours on end. And, it didn't hurt that he was extremely attractive, as if he was sculpted by Merlin himself.

"I used to come up here all the time when I was at Hogwarts. It was my favorite place to just be alone and think," he softly whispered into the night air, interrupting Elsie's train of thought.

"You went to Hogwarts?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, trying her best not to let her eyes linger on him for too long.

He looked over at her and smiled, "I graduated last year. It feels like forever ago, though. I barely remembered how to get to Dumbledore's office."

Elsie chuckled and locked eyes with the handsome boy, "Wow, already losing your memory after only one year...Definitely could not have been a Ravenclaw."

"For your information, I was a Ravenclaw," he genuinely laughed out at her comment while pointing at her, before holding out the bottom of his shirt and fluttering his eyelashes, "Can't you tell from how well the color blue suits me?"

The small, brunette girl laughed at his joke as she slyly responded, "Ahhh so you're a smart arse?"

"And you're impulsive with a hero complex?" He teased back at her while gesturing to the Gryffindor tie wrapped around her white button-up collar.

"Touché," she giggled while nudging him with her elbow, "You're not too bad, Ravenclaw."

"I'll take that as a compliment," he chuckled and put his hand out in the air for her to shake, "I'm Benjy Fenwick."

"Elsie Figg," she smiled warmly, taking his strong hand in hers snd shaking it. A tingle ran through her fingertips as her hand met his, making a shiver run down her spine.

"Now I know I'm a Ravenclaw, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that you're cold after that shiver," Benjy laughed while beginning to take off his blue jumper, "Here."

"I can't take this from you! You don't even have sleeves on your shirt that you're wearing under it!" She pointed out, gesturing to the sleeveless white tank top he was wearing under his jumper.

"Relax, Gryffindor," he threw the jumper at her, forcing her to take it in her hands in order for it not to drop on the floor, and winked, "I'll survive."

Elsie's eyes couldn't help but find their way over to his revealed arms. The way his olive skin perfectly dipped into the muscles that made up his upper arms practically had her drooling. She had to stop herself from suddenly running her small hands up and down his strong arms. Godric, he's bloody hot.

After she was done ogling his revealed body, Elsie and Benjy stayed up in the tower for another hour. They talked about their experience at Hogwarts and about the future to come, while learning more and more about each other. To say Elsie was intrigued by the boy was an understatement, something about him kept her wanting more. And, he felt the exact same way.

"Well, Elsie, I should probably get going, but I really enjoyed meeting you," Benjy smiled warmly at her while placing his hands into the pockets of his khakis.

"Me too. I guess Ravenclaw's aren't as boring as they seem," Elsie jokingly teased while wrapping her arms around her torso that was covered by his jumper she was wearing.

"Yeah, you're not as egotistical as I thought," he teased her back while beginning to head towards the door to leave the overlook.

He turned around to face her while walking backwards and blew a kiss at her, "Until next time, Gryffindor."

"See you then, Ravenclaw," she giggled while pretending to catch the kiss he blew her., watching as Benjy disappeared through the door.

A few moments later, she exited the overlook and found herself walking back to the Gryffindor common room with a content smile on her face. Elsie had genuinely enjoyed her time with Benjy, and only hoped that she'd see him again soon.

She slipped through the Portrait entrance and walked towards the couches by the fireplace where she saw her friends sitting.

Elsie slumped down in the armchair on top of Remus, not noticing the sad look in James' eye.

"And where exactly have you been?" Remus asked with a chuckle at the girl who was making herself comfortable on top of him.

"Just talking with someone," she smiled up at him, snuggling her head into his chest.

"Would that someone happen to be the boy you were drooling over in Dumbledore's office?" Sirius teased while smirking at Elsie, trying to spark a reaction from James and get his two friends talking again.

"That's none of your bloody business," Elsie giggled and pointed at him playfully.

James sat there in silence not saying a word, but his expression said enough. His eyes were trained onto the ground as a combination of hurt and sadness flashed through his eyes. He didn't understand why he was so upset about Elsie talking to some other guy, especially now that he knew she was in love with Remus. He thought that she was probably just doing that to make Remus jealous and catch his attention. James knew that there was no way he could act on his feelings for Elsie out of fear of hurting her, but he couldn't help himself from missing her.

With that in mind, James knew he had to apologize to her even if it was embarrassing. He owed it to Elsie to make things right again. She was his best friend and he didn't want to lose her, so he decided that tomorrow after Remus' transformation he would pull Elsie aside and beg for the forgiveness he didn't deserve.


Did I just write this entire chapter at 4 in the morning? Yes.
Do I regret it whatsoever? No.

The new character is young Benjy Fenwick!!! I updated the face claims and decided that he'll be played by Diego Boneta. Let's see what he has in store for Elsie...
Don't worry, I promise I didn't forget about Rory;)


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