Sabotage and Torture, Two Things I Have For Breakfast

Start from the beginning

"Could this mean . . ."

"No way . . ."

"Let's get back on the bus, why don't we?" From next to me, Sero backed away towards the bus.

"Yeah . . . let's do that. Fast." Ashido backpedaled.

"It's 9:30 a.m. right now. If you're fast . . . maybe around noon?" The pro-hero clad in red flexed her claws, smiling mischievously

"Guys! Hurry and get back to the bus!" Kirishima yelled.

Everyone picked their feet up off the ground and scrambled back to the safety of mass-transportation.

"Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get lunch!"

As we rushed towards the bus, the pro-hero clad in blue jumped in front of us, intercepting us.

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Training camp has already started." Mr. Aizawa announced.

Placing her paws on the ground, the ground started trembling and undulating underneath Blue Paws' hands. In a flash, like an avalanche, the ground turned to putty and rose up, flushing all 20 students down and into the woods beneath us.

Screams erupted from all around me as we free-fell into thick branches. Crashing onto the ground, I groaned, scuffling up to see thick foliage blocking out the sunlight.

"Since it's private land, you can use your quirks however you want! You have three hours, come to the facility on your own two feet!" The red pro-hero cat announced, pausing dramatically before continuing. "After you get through . . . The Beast's Forest!"

"The whadda whadda whadda?" I muttered, turning to face forward into the thick forest.

Vibrations shook the ground as something huge rumbled towards us.

"Uh . . . guys?" Looking around, I suddenly realized I couldn't see anyone near me at all. I was all alone. "Hello? Did we get separated?"

The vibrations drew closer until it was so loud it reverberated straight through my chest. Chuffing noises reached my ears before the object reached my eyes.

A humongous beast seemingly made of mud and clay clods had an elongated face with tusks shooting from its jaw.

And its void black eyes were fixed on me.

Letting out a hideous roar, it swung its arm back, preparing to crush me into a pulp.

"Oh shit, I guess we're really doing this." Aiming silk at the beast's arm, I used it as an anchor to pull myself up before swinging like a pendulum past it. Slicing myself free, I fell into a tumble roll and popped right back up, running at full speed in what I assumed was the direction to the training camp.

From behind me, various familiar voices screamed as the beast let out another enraged roar.

I guess I was thrown a bit further away from the rest of the class.

Suddenly, the ground beneath me opened up, and my ankles twisted, dropping into the crevice.

"Crap!" Shooting dragline silk on two neighboring branches, I grabbed onto them to prevent myself from sinking deeper.

Quicksand? Do they even have quicksand in forests?

My biceps shook from fatigue as I struggled to hold myself up.

No, this isn't quicksand. Something's deliberately holding me down.

From behind, explosions and engines sounded.

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