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"Taylor!" a voice called out.

"Please get off!" she begged Arthur, but he only laughed.

"Tay! It's me! It's Eric! It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you!" There it was again.


Who was Eric?

Memories flashed through her mind.

Getting pulled over by a dark-haired man in sunglasses.

"You're the one who gave me a ticket this morning! We just helped you! The least you could do is say, 'thanks'!"

"Hey, be careful. That's not a toy."

"I was in the Air Force. I could probably teach you a thing or two about this."

The same man stealing her book.

Her kissing him.

"Tay, please! It's okay. I won't let him hurt you," the voice said again.

"Eric," she said softly before her world faded to black.


The next time Taylor opened her eyes she immediately had to close them again because the fluorescent lights of the white room were too bright. Once she'd adjusted, she took a look around the room.

She was in what looked like a hospital room of some kind. She could hear the increasing beat of the heart monitor and saw that there was an IV tube in her left hand that wasn't connected to anything. The yellow ranger looked to her right and saw a window looking out under the sea? That's new.

Taylor then noticed a smudge of brown out of the corner of her eye. She reached her hand up and found something fuzzy. Picking it up, she brought it into her field of vision. A teddy bear? No. Danny's teddy bear. She'd seen it enough times in the arms of the iron bison that she'd recognize it anywhere.

"Your black ranger - Danny? Is it? - left that for you," a voice said and Taylor turned her head to find a young woman not much older than herself with striking blue eyes and curly brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.

How did she miss her?

"I'm Kelsey Winslow. Lightspeed Rescue Yellow Ranger," the woman smiled.

"Where am I?" Taylor asked quietly.

"You're in the Aquabase. Dana said you lost a lot of blood and have a mild concussion. We finally convinced Eric to go get something to eat about half an hour ago. He's been here for the two days you were out."

Taylor's mind was swimming like the fish outside the window with the new information. Aquabase? Who's Dana? Her team was here? Eric had stayed with her?

She absentmindedly rubbed the bear with her thumb as she thought of her boyfriend. The calming effect it had on her when she could hear his heartbeat. How safe she felt when his arms were wrapped around her. The feeling of his lips against hers. She smiled softly in spite of herself.

Just then, a tall blonde woman in a pink dress and white coat walked in. "Hi, Taylor," she smiled. "I'm Dr. Dana Mitchell. It's a pleasure to finally properly meet you."

So this is Dana.

"You, too," Taylor set the bear down on the bed beside her and tried to sit up. It took some help from both Dana and Kelsey, but she managed.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dana asked.

Taylor bit her lip, and her eyes glazed over as she tried to remember.




A man's calming voice.

"Eric," she said softly as the man walked in.

"Taylor," he rushed to her side and sat down in the bed. "You're awake."


They were instantly lost in each other's eyes.

"I was worried," he admitted.

"It takes more than a stab wound and a little concussion to keep me down," she joked.

Eric shook his head with a small smile and gently pressed his lips to hers. "You're crazy."

"But you love me."

"Yeah," he smiled. "I do."

She smiled up at him. "I love you, too."

And scene!

This is the final chapter of When The Past Comes Back To Shove, but don't worry! A sequel is in the works, so keep your eye out for Shoving Back The Past.

Please R&R and May the Power protect you!

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