Signs of Struggle

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Eric stared at Taylor's face as he had been for the past hour.

"Anything?" Wes asked as he walked into the room.

The rest of the Wild Force rangers had gone back to Turtle Cove in case of an attack, leaving Eric alone in the room with Taylor.

The Quantum ranger shook his head. "Not yet. How's Jen?"

The other SG commander had taken his fiancée back home because she'd started puking.

"Bent over the toilet with Dad watching her. She sent me to check on you and Taylor." Wes took off his beret and sat on Taylor's other side. "It's weird. Seeing her like this. She's usually so full of life."

"It's more than just weird," Eric said. "It's scary."

"I've never heard you admit you're afraid before."

"That's because I don't usually get scared." Eric closed his eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay. "I don't see her laughing or joking or even getting mad at me anymore. I see her broken, Wes. And it scares me."

Wes nodded. "I know. I'd feel the same way if it were Jen."

"I really wish people would stop saying that," Eric growled out.

Wes looked back at Taylor's face. "She's strong, Eric," he then looked pointedly at his partner. "And so are you."

"That's what scares me," he whispered.

Before Wes could ask what he meant, the heart monitor started beeping rapidly, and Taylor started thrashing around.

Eric rushed to try to hold her down to keep her from hurting herself, while Wes ran out, yelling for Dana.

Taylor was fighting him off, he quickly realized.

"No," she was whispering. "Get off! Please!"

"Taylor!" he yelled, trying desperately to get through to her. "Tay! It's me! It's Eric! It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you!"

"What's going on?" Dana darted into the room, Wes got on her heals. In an instant, she was by Taylor's other side, helping Eric hold her down.

The man ignored her. "Tay, please!" he yelled. "It's okay," his voice got softer. "I won't let him hurt you."

Suddenly, she stopped struggling and collapsed back onto the bed.

He could've sworn she'd said his name.


Woohoo! Two chapters done in one day! I'm on a roll!

I'd love feedback! Please? I'm getting desperate at this point.

May the Power protect you!

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