Stay by my Side - Chapter Twenty-One

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"Are you alright Lila?" Alya asked her, as she sat next to her in the cafeteria.

"Y - Yeah, I'm all good!" Lila lied, trying to control her angry shaking fists, as she stared at the picture on her phone - the picture of Marinette and Chat Noir. "Just give me a moment please, I have to use the bathroom."

Alya nodded, and turned her attention back to the cafeteria table, as Lila slipped away. Once Lila was certain she was completely out of sight, she slammed her hand down on the wall in frustration. "Damn it! I told her to stay away from him! Why didn't she listen to me?"

She growled in anger, and turned off her phone, putting it back in her pocket. "She needs to pay for this - no one goes against my orders. Marinette Dupain-Cheng..." Her voice turned from it's usual fake sweetness to one dripping in venom. "You're going to pay."


Marinette walked with Marc and Nathanial out of the school's buildings. The school day just ended, and they had planned to meet with Luka after class for some ice cream.

Marc and Nathanial held hands as they strolled along the pavement, and Marinette smiled as she watched them, trailing slightly behind.

"You alright, Marinette?" Luka asked, popping up beside her.

She smiled at his concern. "Thanks Luka! I'm alright, school's been better than normal, to be honest!" And she was correct - Lila hadn't bothered her all day, aside from glares during class, which Marinette could easily handle.

As they strolled along, their hands brushed up against one another, and Luka quickly used the opportunity to grab hold of Marinette's hand - similarly to Marc and Nathanial's. Marinette jumped slightly, but didn't remove her hand, instead tightening her grip against his, as they swayed along their path.

For a brief moment, Marinette allowed herself to relax, and enjoy her time with her friends, oblivious to the plotting going on several miles away, across the other side of Paris.

A short buzz from her phone dragged Marinette back into reality. "Hmm?" She muttered, using the hand not holding Luka's to bring out her phone and check who texted her. "Oh, it's him!" She muttered, seeing a black cat emoji as the name. She dropped Luka's hand and slowed down her walking to respond to him.

Hey Princess!


You alright?


Just wanted to check on ya

How's everything? Seen... you know?

I haven't been bothered by Lila today

She glared at me a little but nothing else

She glared at you???


I know I know

I won't talk to her

Are you sure you have this handled?

I can manage.

That's not what I asked.

Don't worry kitty!

I'll let you know if I need your help, okay?


But let me know AS SOON AS.


You got it!

After all, what's a Princess without her trusty knight?

Aww, not even your Prince?

That's harsh

Knights are better! Because knights can protect you.

Princes can't

Oh! That's awesome!

Thanks, Marinette!

You're welcome kitty.


Marinette walked into the locker room with unsteady feet, a ball of dread forming in the pit of her stomach. Something felt... off. Wrong. Something was going to happen today.

She just didn't know wha-

"It was her! Marinette stole my phone!" Lila said, pointing at Marinette as she entered the locker room. Marinette flinched slightly as everyone's gaze - including the teacher's and principle's - turned to her.

There it is.

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!

This chapter is slightly smaller than normal, but I did my best! :D

Next chapter should be continuing Lila's attempt at retaliation - either in Marinette or Adrien's POV, haven't decided yet, lol.

See you guys then!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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