Chapter 2: the system

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I don't own Naruto, if I did Orochimaru would've killed Sakura

"Oh no?"

It felt like wet pillows were pushing me from all angles. Trying to get me out, and then I even felt a hand touch my head. When it touched my head, it started pulling so hard that I felt a slight crack in my neck.

'AH!!! Not so hard, genius.'

As if it heard me, it started pulling softer. I started feeling a cold breeze on top of my head.

'This is it. The moment I get born. What should I say? Should I greet them? Maybe, hello there. Nah, that won't work. I need to say something more epic, something godlike. Maybe hello mortals, because I'm immortal until I turn 14. Maybe-'

Before I could come up with a good intro, I got pulled out and a bright light obstructed my view.


But instead of hearing something or even seeing something, it was silent. I wasn't moving, I was frozen in time. The only thing I saw was a pop-up.

Instead of freaking out like I would normally do, I was actually very composed but still hyped.

<Would you like to start the tutorial? >

I was obviously planning on clicking on yes, but before I could even try that. It automatically selected yes on itself.

'Oh, so I can control with my thoughts if I want to. Handy. I feel smarter'

'I just got the system. I'm not shutting it down.'


A blue display popped up.

name: Yuki Uzumaki Senju
age: 0
status: baby
title: genius, wise man

lvl:1 exp: 0/100
hp: 20/20
chakra: 1650/1650 (you are an Uzumaki and Senju, they have a lot of chakra)

vit:1 (decreased by 80%, because you're a baby)
chc:5 (being a Senju gave you a small boost)
charm:50 (+20) (Present from Voice and the + 20 is because you're a baby.)
int: 100 (Present from Voice)
wis:100 (Present from Voice)
luk:50 (Present from Voice)

money:¥10000 (that's just $96.35) (Present from Voice)

'Now it makes sense why I felt smarter, because I am. My stats look solid for someone who just got born, but the fact that I have that much chakra worries me. I don't want to be kidnapped by Danzo or something. I'm going to have to learn how to suppress my chakra.'

'stats info'

A new blue display popped up.

[stats info]
Name: pretty obvious
age: again pretty obvious
status: gives you temporary buffs and debuffs (like bleeding or poisoned)
title: gives you permanent buffs and debuffs

lvl: what level you are.
exp: how much exp you need until the next level. Every level Exp required will increase by 1.3

hp: how much damage you can take. You passively regain health, sleeping for longer than 6 hours refills all health
chakra: how much chakra you can use. Running and stuff like that also take chakra. You passively regain chakra, sleeping for more than 6 hours refills all chakra.
str: your power, the more strength points you have the harder your hits are. 1 point= 10 damage. That is the max damage you can deal with a punch (not including crits).

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