Episode 5

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(Zoey) Zoey walks into first period the next day all jittery with a big smile on her face. Taylor smirked at her as she sat next to her.

"What's going on with you?" Taylor asked.

"I kissed him." Zoey said almost not believing it herself.

"What?" Taylor said in disbelief. "When did this happen? Where did this happen?" Taylor asked eagerly.

"Last night in the town square. I'll fill you in at lunch."

<the intro cuts in>


"So he just straight up told you 'you're amazing' and you kiss him?" Taylor chuckled.

"It was an in the moment type thing and I don't know the timing just felt right." Zoey said.

"Well I'm happy for you." Taylor said.

"Thanks Tay." Zoey smiled.

<Later that evening>

The Gilmore's were all eating dinner at the table.

"Hey Luke can I ask you a question?" Rory asked.

"Sure." Luke said.

"How close are you and your sister?" Rory asked.

"We're not close." Luke said, shaking his head.

"And how close are you with Jess?"

"We're not close either. Why are you asking me this?"

Rory furrowed her brows in confusion. "If you're not close with either of them how come your sister came to yours and mom's wedding, but Jess didn't?" Rory questioned. "It's a little odd don't you think?"

Loralai and Luke looked at each other. Luke sighed and turned to Rory.

"Jess was in Juvie." He told her.

"Juvie?" Rory questioned again. She glanced over at Zach who had guilt written all over him.

"You knew?"

"Look, I only found out this morning." Zach told her.

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Of course I was!"

Rory shook her head and got up from the table and walked out of the room.

"Rory!" Zach exclaimed as he followed after her. Before he could catch up to her he heard the front door slam.

(Rory) Jess was walking from the diner across the town square and notices someone in the gazebow.

"Rory?" Jess spoke when he realized who it was. He walked up the stairs slowly and crouched down in front of her. He slowly pulled away her hands from her face and he reached his hand up and wiped away her tears.

They remained there gazing into each other's eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Obviously." She laughed softly to herself.

He smiled. "Sorry."

Jess got off the ground and sat next to her on the bench. They both leaned back and she wiped a tear from her face.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or...?" He asked. She just looked at him.

"Juvie?" Was all she said.

He sighed and leaned forward and began rubbing a hand through his hair.

"Luke told you didn't he?"

"Only because I asked." Rory spoke in Luke's defense.

Jess sat up and looked at her confused. "You asked?"

"I just asked why you weren't at his wedding."

"And you were crying because I went to juvie?"

"I was crying because Zach knew and he didn't tell me... he never keeps things from me, or at least he usually doesn't." She told him.


A moment of silence rolls by and Jess couldn't take his eyes off her. He leaned in and kissed her gently which caught her off guard.

"I-I have to go." Rory said, pushing him off of her. She then ran down the steps and ran home.

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