Episode 1

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<<no pov>>

Rory feels someone gently shaking her awake.

"Rory wake up. You're gonna be late." She heard her brother say softly.

Rory shoots up and looks at the time and realizes she forgot to set her alarm. Normally the beginning of a new school year never seemed to worry her in the past and she's never been one to forget things. What was so different about this year that made her so nervous that she forgot to set her own alarm?

She quickly throws on a plain white sweater, some black leggings, and some converse. She then brushes her hair, grabs her school bag, and rushes out the door.

"Forget something?"

Rory turned around and smiled when she saw her thermos, that was filled with coffee, in her brother's hand.


When the two of them arrived at school they went their separate ways.

"Rory!" Lane exclaims with a big smile on her face.

"Hey." Rory smiled.

Lane pulls out two different lip glosses from her backpack.

"Should I wear the pink or the red for tonight?" She asked.

"What's tonight?"

"The back to school dance. Did you forget again?"

"Oh uh...yeah I guess I did...so your mom's letting you go?"

"Yes. As long as she knows I'm going with you and Zach she's perfectly fine with me going."

"And if you only go with Zach?"

"Come on, Rory you have to go! You know I rarely get to go to these types of things and Dean will be there."

"Maybe." Rory replied nervously.

Lane furrowed her brows. "Are you okay? You've been kind of out of it lately."

"Oh, yeah I'm fine I left the house a
little late that's all."

"Don't you usually wake up at 5:30?"

"Yeah, but I forgot to set my alarm."

"What's going on with you? You're never this forgetful."

Then the bell rang.

"I'll see you at lunch." Rory told her.


Before Lane could finish saying her name Rory had already started walking away.

<Intro cuts in>

<<no pov>>

A girl walks into school late and walks to her first period class. She had long wavy brunette hair, emerald green eyes, and she appeared to be about 5'6.

The whole class stared at her as she turned to the teacher who was standing in front of the class.

"I'm sorry I'm late." The girl said while handing the teacher a note.

The teacher smiled and took the note. "Thank you, now take a seat." The teacher told her.

The girl took a seat in the only open desk in the front row that was seated next to another girl. This girl had blond shoulder length hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Taylor." The girl next to her whispered. The other girl smiled a little.

"I'm Zoey." She whispered back.

GG AR Season 1 : Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now