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- A character has toxic and emotionally abusive parents
- A character has abandonment issues/trust issues (daddy issues if you will)
- Depression and anxiety


Words such as damn, hell, and shit
A character says "screw you"

Background context :

(Don't come at me but I kind of forgot that Lane's husband in the actual show was named Zach but I liked the name "Zachary Gilmore" and Zach for short so I'm not changing it 😂)

This season is more of an introduction of how characters are, their aspirations, and the history they have as well as relationships.

So Rory, Zach, and Lane met in kindergarten. Rory was nervous on the first day because she didn't like to leave Zach's side when in a place she's unfamiliar with. Lane offered to share crayons (like in the show) and making a new friend calmed her nerves. After the first day, Rory ran to Zach about meeting a new friend and so Rory introduced him to Lane.

Dean came to Stars Hollow a year ago from when season 1 starts. Zach has always been protective of his sister, so when Rory told Zach to try and be friends with Dean, they became best friends almost instantly.

Now I wrote Dean differently (not bc I hated him but because the changes in character and would benefit the story).

Zach and Dean are on the football team together and their dream is to go to Notre Dame and play in the NFL (together obviously). Dean's not as into mechanics as he was in the original series. He used to take interest in it but then he grew a better interest in football. Because of this, Dean never built her that car.

Rory of course still dreams of going to Harvard (also in this season they are sophomores). Lane still dreams of being in a rock band, but her mom doesn't know. Lane thinks her mom won't approve of her music or what she wants to do so instead of asking her she rebels, but Lane doesn't know the full truth.

The parents will not have their own storyline since this is about Rory and Zach and their sibling relationship. I realized after I wrote the first 2 seasons that I wrote the parents in a way that made them all seem like distant and not involved. If the parents are actually mentally or physically harming their children, the little diologue and actions between the parents and them will show it.

Lorelai and Luke are already married. They got married when Zach and Rory were around like 12.

Richard and Emily are the same except they didn't pay for Chilton since Rory doesn't go to Chilton (I know Luke could've helped pay for tuition but it'll add more to the story if they go to the same school) which also means no Friday night dinners (at least for right now. Also since Emily and Richard don't really have story lines there's obviously no character development so its kind of just however you see them is fine).

Christopher is the same. Always making promises he can't keep and leaving when he says he'll stay. Same old same old...

Another thing, I put songs in it like songs I thought would either fit well with the "scenes" or relates to the "scenes." I will put a soundtrack with the songs listed in order which will include what was happening during that song at the end of each season.

ALSO I will be taking some things Rory and Lorelai have said to each other but twist it into context with this story so it adds to Zach and Rory's relationship and makes for parallels. I will be making parallels for other characters too!

GG AR Season 1 : Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now