Chapter 35....Life Like

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Alpha."

I froze and suddenly everything clicked. The girl is Daisy from when Jay and I were tortured. The boy next to her is Tanner and the boy turned man is none other than Mich.

I quickly muffled my gasp at not only this realization but also at the fact that Daisy seemed to have pulled the requested items from thin air.

I shook off the surprise and acted. First I attacked Tannor by putting him in a choke hold. I kicked the back of his knees making him buckle. Now he hung struggling to get his footing to releave the pressure around his neck.

I tighten my grip around his neck forcing him to struggle more. The only way to win this and get Dylan free is the element of surprise.

I was so focused on what I was doing I didn't know what was going on around me.

"No, A-"

The pained voice ulled my attention back to the big picture. I look up and my eyes focused on the bloody mess of my savior.

Out of no where a shar stilleto heel knocked into my side. On instinct my arms loosened creating the perfect opportunity for Tanner. Damn did he take it.

Next thing I know I was picked up and slammed back to the ground. I groaned my back aching.

Daisy raises her leg and tried to bring her sky high stilletos back down on my face. I quickly rolled away and got to my feet standing ready to fight.

Pain. Pain all over.

Not just from my fight against Daisy and Tanner but also from the on going torture of Dylan.

My head slams down forward Tanner and Daisy using their quickness grabbed my arms pulling them behind me. My head slammed against the uneven ground creating a jagged cut open up along my brow.

A loud thunderous laugh broke through the pain and fogginess of my head. Slowly and stiffly I was able to raise my head to see a barely concious Dylan hanging limply from his shackled wrists. My eyes turned hard when they focused on Mitch.

Mitch stood proud a tall without a single drop of blood anywhere on him. I brought my lips into a sneer which lead to loud gafaws that held a dark dangerous edge to them.

Dylan slowly raised his head just enough for me to see his gorgeous eyes.

His eyes held sadness and pain. I felt the pain he felt and damn did it hurt.

"I'm sorry." I whispered looking at his gorgeous sadden eyes.

"No-I'm-sorry." Dylan choked out slowly shaking his head painfully.

A deep monsterous laugh echoed. My eyes quickly flickered over to the man who was the cause of all of this. I glared up at him filled with anger.

"Aww. Would you look at that?" Mitch jokenly coos shattering the sadden quietness.

Tanner and Daisy lowly chuckled along with Mitch gribbing tighter on my arms until their nails pierce my skin. I grind my teeth together but refused to give more.

Mitch grabbed Dylan's face and roughly moved it side to side as he jokenly coos, "Doesn't he look so good."

"Hahaha, he looks so much better." Daisy laughs as her grip slightly tightens her nails digging into my skin just a little more.

"I agree the red really does great things for him. But I think he's missing something, maybe more red will fix it." Tanner added with a devilish chuckle.

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