44 - Harry

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"Hi, this is Harry Potter, sorry I couldn't pick up your call.

If you are Hermione please limit your message to at the most 4 minutes. I'm a busy man 'mione, really.

If you are Ron, yeah hi to you too. I'll be at yours on Tuesday night for drinks don't worry I haven't forgotten.

If you are Neville, er, congrats on whatever new plant you just got.

If you are Luna, yes I've renewed my Quibbler subscription, tell you dad I said hello.

If you are Ginny, congrats on that match you won and have come to call and scream to me about.

If you are Draco, I'll be home soon, don't leave the stove on, finish the laundry of you haven't already, yes I'm okay, yes I miss you too, yes I know you want my 'bloody arse' home. I love you too.

And I'll get back to you as soon as possible!"

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