34 - Malfoy family

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Scorpius: Grandfather, I am gay and I think I love Albus Potter.

Lucius: Of course you do. You wouldn't be a fucking Malfoy in this day and age of you don't come out as gay and confess your love for a Potter. Go be with Albus, Scorpius and please, for the love of Merlin, go give birth to a son and make sure another Potter is born so he can come to me and tell me he is gay and just LOVES a Potter. So you know what? Fuck it. Let's just change our last name to Potter. That might make things 10x easier.

Draco: FATHER!

Lucius, calls to Narcissa: Hey Narcissa, I'm sorry but I have to leave you because confessing our love for a Potter has become a new Malfoy tradition!

Scorpius: ...What is happening?

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