beautiful night (final)

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Kai-Why are we called here?
Baekhyun-We need to join hands together and help Bomi to figure out her own feelings for Chanyeol
Kyungsoo-Uwuu, there is something going on between them?
Eunji-Chanyeol likes her. But Bomi still cannot find the answer whether she likes him too or not
Sehun-I'm in. So what are we up to?
Baekhyun-Listen here

Everyone paid attention to Baekhyun's plan

Eunji-Kyungsoo, I need your girlfriend's help
Kyungsoo-Namjoo? Why do you need her?
Chorong-We need to make sure Bomi looks the prettiest tomorrow
Kyungsoo-Oh, I got it!

Baekhyun-Suho, as the school director's son, I need your help to make sure all students will leave the school compound before 5 p.m. tomorrow
Suho-Leave it to me

Kai-I will take care of the invitation card
Baekhyun-Make it look like the real prom night invitation

Kai raised an okay 👌

Sehun-I will check the sounds and light system

Baekhyun-Good. Let's hope this plan will work out
Eunji-It will

They put their hands together and cheered


Chanyeol packed up his stuffs and walked out of his classroom. He saw Bomi just left her classroom as well. He was about to run after her but suddenly Baekhyun and Kai blocked his way

Kai-Where are you going?
Chanyeol-I, uhm. Nothing
Baekhyun-Chanyeol, can we talk for a while?

They moved from the corridor to stand in an empty hallway

Chanyeol-What is it about Baekhyun?
Baekhyun-I just want to apologise about the misunderstanding the other day. I shouldn't attack you like that. I'm truly sorry
Chanyeol-Oh, about that. It's fine, I don't take it to heart
Baekhyun-Thank goodness. By the way,

Baekhyun gestured Kai to hand the invitation card

Chanyeol-What is this?
Kai-The invitation card to school prom night
Chanyeol-Oh, I don't hear anyone talking about it
Kai-You must not pay much attention about the event. It's going to happen tomorrow night
Chanyeol-But I don't have a partner to go with

Baekhyun-Just come. Kai is single too

Chanyeol giggled

Baekhyun-Make sure you will come okay? See you
Kai-See you Chanyeol
Chanyeol-Okay. Thanks guys

Baekhyun dragged Kai away with him. They fist-bumped quietly. Mission accomplished


Bomi was reading a novel when her phone buzzed. Apparently it was Eunji who called

Bomi-Oh, Eunji. Why? You want to see me now? Okay

Bomi closed her book, took her long coat and purse before leaving her house to see Eunji

They met at a familiar restaurant and Eunji treated her spicy rice cake

Bomi-Thanks for the food!
Eunji-Eat a lot

She nodded at Eunji. Bomi ate passionately

Eunji-I'm happy my best friend is back
Bomi-What do you mean?
Eunji-Don't tell me you don't realise the change in yourself. Our classmates were all worried about you
Bomi-Hee, I'm sorry to make you all worried
Eunji-What was the problem Bomi? Aren't you going to tell me?

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