"I doubt I'll get to see you again before tonight." Lila said casually. "We will be all day at the spa, so I'll meet you downstairs tonight. Don't be late now." She added, winking and blowing him a kiss as she made her way towards the door.

"I can't keep doing this Lila." Félix said, almost monotone, screwing the top back on the water.

Lila stopped in her tracks then turned to look at him. Félix could almost feel the daggers in her olive eyes. Some mornings it honestly surprised him he had even woken up and she hadn't killed him through the night. It wasn't like she was lacking a motive, there was an entire bank's worth of incentive. He very much doubted it was anything to do with love that kept Lila with him.

"Can't keep doing what Félix?" She said sarcastically. "Keeping up appearances or waking up with a hangover?"

Félix threw the bottle in her direction, but Lila didn't so much as blink. She smirked as the glass shattered against the wall, the water still inside trickling down the wall. "You still have rotten aim you know." She chuckled, knowing full well Félix never intended to aim the bottle at her. As much as Félix's anger boiled over, his upbringing would never permit him to attack a woman. Without another word, Lila left the room leaving him to stew on the bed.

Eventually he got up and grabbed his wallet and the room key. Making his way downstairs to the restaurant Félix ordered himself a black coffee and a plate of Eggs Benedict. Lost in his own thoughts, he barely noticed the blonde heiress approaching him until she was sitting in front of him.

"That's a bit rich isn't it?" Chloé asked, pointing at the plate of running eggs over ham and English muffins. "Rough night?"

"You could say that." He replied before putting some more of the gooey egg in his mouth. "I thought you were going to the day spa with Lila?"

Chloé raised her manicured eyebrow at him. "As if! Did Lila tell you that?" Félix avoided eye contact and Chloé knew the answer. "Figures." She murmured under her breath.


"No Félix, I'm sick of seeing you like this." The blonde socialite grabbed his hand across the table. "Why in hell's name did you ever marry her Félix? Were you really that jealous of Adrien?"

Félix just looked at her demanding blue eyes, his green ones becoming like a void. "No, not jealous." He said quietly. "Just...expecting something else maybe."

Maybe that was true now, but at the time it would be hard to deny jealousy hadn't been a factor. Adrien had been with Marinette since they were seventeen. Félix didn't take much notice at first, school boy crush and all that. After all, only 25% of people go on to marry their high school sweetheart. But marry her he did when they were 21 and Félix felt those pangs of jealousy hit him hard. Then the rumours started and his relationship with Chloé ended in a hideous mess of accusations and denials. It was at that time that his Uncle Gabriel had sent Lila to work as a model at the London branch.

Félix had resented his mother insisting he work for his uncle and make some use of that business degree he had. At the time he had no idea how sick his mother really was. In hindsight she was just trying to get him to be more responsible knowing he would soon be the heir to a vast fortune. It was there at the Gabriel London office that he first saw her. She was sweet, she was seductive and she set his blood on fire. Chloé had tried to warn him after the incident that broke them up, telling him that Lila was only using him because of his resemblance to his cousin, but Félix didn't want to hear it. The vixen had already worked herself under his skin and once Félix had committed himself to it, his pride refused him to admit he had made a mistake.

Chloé looked at him sympathetically. She could rub it in and say I told you so, but there would be no pleasure in that. "You know I never had an affair with Luka." She stated quietly. Félix slowly nodded his head.

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