Chapter 3: Cassian Lastra

Start from the beginning

"Hi what a pleasure to meet you Althea. Such a pretty name by the way," Penelope warmly greets as she smiles.

"Thank you, you're so kind," I smile.

"Would you be able to do the interview right now?," Penelope asks as she double checks on her big calendar that is pinned on her wall.

"Yes, absolutely," I quickly respond a bit nervous since I've never done such a thing before.

"So tell me about yourself, any prior experience relating to this position, and why you believe you qualify for this opportunity," Penelope says all in one breath that has me a bit intimidated.

"Alright here we go," I say letting out a laugh expressing some nervousness. However, I continue on despite it, "I'm freshly out of university majoring in business for my masters. I was born and raised here in New York. My mother passed away when I was a little girl, so my father raised me all alone. I'm responsible, a great multitasker, ambitious, a fast leaner, honest, a team player, can definitely work alone as well, and I have no trouble meeting deadlines on time. Regarding experience, I've worked under my father who's also a business owner. I did a lot of administrative and clerical duties for a few years. I believe I'm highly qualified and have the expertise for this position. Whatever I may not know I'm a fast learner and will quickly perform as required to. I promise I won't disappoint if given the opportunity," I respond trying my best to keep it together. My heart is beating fast nervous of completely making a fool of myself. I really hope I answered in the way these people like.

Penelope writes down a few notes on her clipboard before she meets my eyes with a smile before saying, "you're impressive and honestly what we're looking for with your kind of expertise."

"Thank you Penelope," I respond smiling back completely happy to hear this type of feedback.

"You're a go for me," she excitedly murmurs.

"Awesome, I'm so glad to hear that. So when do I start?," I ask.

"Not so fast, you still need to do your second interview with Mr. Lastra. He's the one to determine if you're hired or not," Penelope says. So this is the moment I finally get to meet the so called young mobster.

"Of course," I slightly smile as she rings him up to schedule me. As I wait, I rehearse what to say regarding what I just practiced with Penelope. I really hope the questions are similar since I actually pulled through enough to get a second interview.

"Great, I'll send her in," Penelope utters breaking me from my thoughts. She stands up signaling me to follow her, which I do. Walking down the corridor and down the hallway. We finally come to a halt as Penelope opens the door for me to pass. I thank her as I step inside a large office. I see a man sitting on the chair. However, he's facing the other way towards the glass windows looking out onto the busy city. The back of his chair faces me, so I'm unable to see who he is.

"Take a seat," a deep voice says, which without question I do. Once I take a seat across the desk I decide to break the silence.

"My name is Althea Villa. Are you Cassian Lastra?," I ask as I sit calmly on the chair. From this close all I can see is his top head that consists of dark brown hair that has its golden to it, which is really admirable.

"Yes, I am," he bluntly responds still focusing onto the window not bothering to meet who sits behind him.

"Nice to meet you. Uhm, is there anyway I can see who you are by any chance?," I pointedly say curious to see who he is. So far he's a bit rude. A sigh is heard as his chair begins to turn.

What my eyes see next has me completely speechless and frozen to the spot.

What my eyes see next has me completely speechless and frozen to the spot

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Gray eyes stare straight into my icy blue ones. I can't help, but examine every inch of this man sitting across from me. He's the complete opposite of what I've encountered before and even imagined this entire time since I first heard about his existence. My heart beats fast and slow at the same time unsure of what's going on with me at the moment. The way he is staring at me has me feeling intimidated in a way I've never been before. I must admit, he's insanely handsome. He has a geek god face that internally embeds into your memory forever.

"You got the job, congratulations. Go tell Penelope I have a meeting to attend," he says breaking me out of my frozen state. I blink twice trying to awaken from a state I had no idea I was really in. It's as if my breathe was taken out of my body.

"U-uh thank you," is all I managed to respond as I stand up turning my heel to exit his office. At the moment, I don't even feel my body. It's as if I'm on autopilot. Penelope greets me outside the door as I let her know what Mr. Lastra told me to tell her. She congratulated me as we go ahead with paperwork of my employment with Lastra Incorporation.

It takes me a while to snap out of a daze I was unconsciously put in. I lightly gasp, barely realizing that I successfully did it. I got the job in order to get close to Mr. Lastra now this mission is active. And that's when I realize as well as how can someone like him be a mafia leader, a popular one at that? This is the man I have to seduce, get into his world, and betray. I guess this is where it all starts for me.

Little did I know what a roller coaster everything would be as soon as those gray eyes entered my life.

Author's Note:

Slave to the Mafia is finally here!
So for some of you that may know this story was originally written on episode interactive. However due to the app's limitations and restrictions that are ever changing I decided to stop writing the story on episode interactive and transfer the story itself onto Wattpad. On episode interactive, I was very limited and had to write a certain way to fit guidelines, so now that I'm on Wattpad I decided to rewrite the entire story. This includes character name changes, changed scenes and added scenes, plot of story remains the same, some details of features changed, and some settings being changed entirely. I have a vision for this story and that's exactly where this story is heading towards.

So hold on tight and let's get ready for a journey of another mafia story.

Enjoy and thank you!

- Giavanni ❤️

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