6: Gateway to the Stars

Start from the beginning

"Can we go on now? Daddy, you are kidnapping me! Doesn't this warrant some urgency?" her muffled voice chimed from inside the bag.

Before Setanto could say anything, Tapeesa explained why she had been looking for the impatient blonde in the first place. "Yes, on that note. I've got the shackles." Tapeesa pulled out three pairs of handcuffs with pink padding while the bag started twitching even more impatiently.

Setanto raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Since when do we have handcuffs on board?"

"Sheranee made them yesterday using the 3D printer. The ropes can get quite uncomfortable after a while." Tapeesa explained.

"I thought you like it rough."

"Well I don't." Valentina's muffled voice clarified.

"I know, that's why I use pillow casings on you." Setanto tried to turn his head like an owl, so he could face the red bag.

"They always come loose and it's no fun if I can free myself."

Tapeesa only snickered at this, "Besides, there is a difference between rough and chafing. Speaking of which, Sheranee had the idea for this schedule and she expects you to punish her for it."

"I'm gonna punish all you naughty girls for sexually objectifying me." Setanto promised with a deep, booming voice as he took the handcuffs.

Valentina's muffled voice chimed in from inside the red bag, demanding, "Do me first!"

This made Setanto sigh, "My punishments don't seem to have the desired effect."

"I find them very effective." Tapeesa giggled.

"Maybe I should try going on strike instead."

Tapeesa was not impressed, "Oh well, I'll always have Valentina."

This terrified the bag, "Nooo!!! Daddy, please, don't leave me alone with this lunatic! I'll do anything!"

"How would that be special?" Tapeesa wondered insincerely.

"Look who's talking!" the bag hissed back.

"You can't even see me from inside there!"

"To be fair," Setanto intervened, "I've never heard Valentina bark."

"Puh," Tapeesa shrugged it off, "she couldn't do it as well as me!"

The big guy let out a long sigh at this. No use arguing with the blue-eyed girl. Again, Setanto tried to turn his head like an owl to face the red bag, "What about Sheranee?"

"Slightly better." Valentina admitted.

Tapeesa had a very different view. "My entire harem consists of amateurs." she rolled her eyes a bit.

This forced Setanto to do something very mean. He pulled the height card, replying with a shrug, "OK, dwarf." Silence followed.

"This is terrible." the bag stated plainly.

"Even by my standards." Tapeesa added.

Setanto only snickered at this, "I know, you secretly like it!" He patted the blue-eyed girl on the head, refused to elaborate and left.


Later the same day, Tapeesa joined Sheranee in the command center. "Anything new from Voyager 3?" she asked, letting herself fall onto the couch.

Sheranee sat next to her, reviewing the data available at the time on the big screen. By now, Valentina had finished all the girl's outfits. A blue wool pullover and black leggings for Tapeesa with a broad, black silk belt around her waist, decorated with silver geometric patterns. Sheranee got a green v-neck shirt with golden trim over a black turtleneck and black leggings.

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