He made sure he had all his stuff for the day, well one note pad with tear away pages to chuck into a binder later. It made life so much easier for him. Made his bag lighter. Frank was actually excited for today, apparently they had Nachos for lunch even a vegie kind too. 

All the teachers were nice to him, they never really made him move around or do too much. Which was kind but some people hated that he got special treatment. Like he didn't have to participate in any sports if he didn't want too put he liked running. 

Linda, his mom adored him and would do anything for her baby which meant spending money on a leg that could do pretty much anything besides swimming. Which Frank didn't mind, he had one that could go in the water at home. 

"I expect you all did the homework?" Frank searched his bag pulling out a folded bit of paper with scribbled answers on it. Last minute work. He did it last class actually. "Right I'll come round to collect them and then you can do the work on the board for the rest of the class." 

The class sighed, they hated work that involved reading and taking notes. It was for a test next week or something. Frank wasn't too good with History but it was a fun subject. The teacher went round handing out text books that they would need for awhile. "You better look after these books, take them home use them to study. 

Frank got two. He got a text book then he got a paper copy that had been printed out for him "Just so you don't have to carry the book everywhere you can have a copy for home and leave your one in my class" Frank thanked the teacher but he wasn't really bothered. 

He was used to carrying things and didn't really find it hard. Just sometimes he was lazy and carrying round like 52 things for school drove him insane. So Frank got on with his work, they were learning about world war 2 at the moment which he had a interest in. Being a war and stuff he found it cool. 

Time flew by after that, the classes before lunch didn't really even happen in Franks head. They just got there and did work. He mainly had his mind set on Nachos for the most of the day. They smelt good when he went past the class before lunch. 

Frank had a special card that said he could have the vegie one since they didn't make heaps of it. Did his dad pay extra. Yes, yes he did. "Nachos or Sandwich?" The lunch lady asked with a small smile. "Vegie Nachos please" Frank smiled showing her the card. She hummed happily getting Franks meal sorted for him. 

Right, time to find a seat, not that hard right. Frank knew were he was going to sit. He grabbed his tray thanking the lady before making his way to the back. His arms were a bit shaky but it was alright. Frank wasn't paying attention though and nearly bumped into someone, his food so close to falling but with his amazing skills it didn't go anywhere. 

"Sorry" He mumbled out. "That's ight kid" It was a soft voice, it caught Frank off guard. The guy was wearing  ripped jeans and tank top, he had some tattoos and piercings and his face was stunning. Frank couldn't help but stare. "You ight?" 

Frank stammered his cheeks going red "I uh yeh sorry" 

"Names Gerard, you the new kid right? The one with the metal leg?" Frank nodded, a frown forming was this going to be another great thing or not "Cool, must be great for magic tricks. You could scare kids" Gerard hummed. That wasn't so bad. 

Frank giggled softly, that was funny. "I can but I prefer to make up stories about fighting dragons and stuff" Gerard chuckled, his friends turning their attention to Frank. "What's ya name?" 


"Well thanks for the laugh Frank I needed that" Frank was surprised but it was no problem to make people laugh. He smiled softly saying bye to Gerard continuing the short walk to the table. Maybe this school would be okay he thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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