Chapter 2: A sick boy

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*The next day at hospital*

Russell:*hearing music with earphone while whistling* This song is good...

*He hear the music until didn't focus of where he went and accidently went into the wrong hospital room*


Russell:*take off earphone and look around* huh ?...*realize* Oh shit wrong room !

??:*awake* ugh...*saw Russell* Huh ?! Who the hell are you-*coughing*

Russell: Are you alright ?! *went to him*

??: Y-yeah...I'm fine...I think you were in the wrong room

Russell: Yeah...I should visit my father. Sorry for bothering you

??: It's okay..*cough*

*At Denny hospital room*

Denny: Hm ? You late than usual

Russell: I accidently went into other patient's room because I was too focusing hearing music

Denny: I told you before this. Don't hear music when walking

Russell: Sorry

Denny: By the way...which patient room you accidently enter ?

Russell: A boy's room...he look like a 15 years old. His room was on the left

Denny: Oh. That boy. I heard from nurses that he were hospitalized due to peneumonia aka...he has problem with breathing

Russell: No wonder why he was coughing earlier

*After that at the boy's hospital room*

??:*read book*

Russell:*went in* Hey

??: Huh ? You again ? why are you here ?

Russell:Well...I'm just wondering...where is your family ? Did they visit you ?

??: Only my friend and my foster sister come and visit me

Russell: Really ? What happen to your parents ?

??:...they divorced and make me choose...and because of that...I leave them

Russell: Oh...sorry about that

??: it's okay....what's your name by the way ?

Russell: It's Russell

??: I'm Kayden. It's nice to meet you, Russell

Russell: Same here...*smile*

*To be continue*

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