Chapter 1: A visit

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*At hospital*

Russell:*arrive* Hey dad

Denny: Russell. How is going ?

Russell: Fine like always. It has been three days since you are here. Denny you should bw careful next time when doing your job

Denny: Haha. Your right. Sorry :')

Russell: It's okay dad and also...optimus prime act weird today

Denny: Really ? Why ?

Russell: Idk. Looks like he remember about someone

Denny: Probaly autobots problem. No need to worry

Russell: Okay then

*At scrapyard*

Sideswipe: Hey Russell. How is your father ?

Russell: He is fine

Bulkhead: Well...what happen to Mr Clay ?

Bumblebee: He accidently step on banana peel that he left...and fell causing his left leg to break

Grimlock: And his back

Bulkhead: Ouch. That must be hurt

Russell: Yeah...but doctor said he will get better soon. And also...about optimus prime

Bumblebee: Well...he remember his former partner...that went missing. But we will talk about that later.

"If he hear it...he will be sad and feel more guilty"

*To be continue*

Optimus Prime Former partner (Transformers Oc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ