Mansion Of Tranquil

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Subaru: [Yaaawn~]

A black haired boy yawned as he sat on the soft grass under a tree that gave him the perfect shade that caused him to feel sleepy.

Yep, it is this tree's fault for indulging me in it's peace that I feel sleepy.

He thought as he leaned back and let his head rest on the stem of the sturdy tree. It was a normal day like no other in the Roswaal mansion. He simply sat there as he watched the clouds floating around in the blue afternoon sky. The garden was a good place to relax.

After the events of sanctuary and the mansion, they had to move to the main mansion of the Mathers as the one they used to live in, was burnt to crisp by Subaru, Otto and Petra.

After being appointed as Emilia's knight, he no longer had any obligation to work his butt off as a butler. He was quite excited when he learnt that he could do anything he wants to, only to fall into depression as he realized that he didn't really had anything to do.

He decided to train under Clind, the highly talented and elegant butler of the Miload mansion with the only flaw of being a lolicon.
He learnt to use a whip and had become accustomed to the parkour training. After training he helped the maids in their work as he felt odd doing nothing.

Today, he had completed his parkour training and all the cleaning he had to do. Ram had dismissed him from the kitchen as he had cracked a bit too many jokes out of boredom.

Ram: [If you are going to flap that mouth of your's like the wings of a fly while working then kindly excuse yourself from this roo- no, this world before Ram does.]

Ahh nee-sama sure was harsh with her words today. No wait, she went a bit easy on me today. Wow, can't believe I have become totally used to her venomous words with latent sweetness that she will never admit to and punch me if I mentioned it.

He replayed the memory of Ram spitting these words at him as he smiled to himself speculating about the reason she had told him to leave.

Subaru:[Normally nee-sama loads all the jobs she can find on me no matter how much I whine or blabber on while working...

Did she see me messing up my jump and hurting my back with her clairvoyance?! So she felt pity at my pathetic self who somehow became a knight despite having scary eyes and short leg‐ wait those things have nothing to do with being a knight and why am I insulting myself ?! Have I become a masochist for insults?! It's all Ram's fault. She has to take responsibility for this.]

He got up with eyes full of determination to confront Ram, only to stiffen up.

Subaru:[....hey there beako! Didn't notice you there as you are so small, not like being small is a bad thing, it increases your already maxed out charms! You are so cute that I might as well die in your aura of adorableness!]

Subaru hurriedly blurted out whatever he could find to try to defend his already ruined image for talking nonsense to himself to Beatrice who was standing with her hands folded and her usual poker face that instantly turned sour due to his continuous rambling.

Beatrice:[Betty can't believe that the first thing you would say is that Betty is small, I suppose! Although you are correct about Betty being charming, in fact. So Betty will let you off the hook this time, I suppose.]

Subaru smiled wryly at the little spirit and pulled her unto his lap. She sat down without any complaints.

Beatrice:[Are you that bored that you will make up any excuse to go talk to or rather bother someone, I suppose?]

Subaru:[Ah you noticed? As expected of the great spirit Beatrice! The former librarian of the forbidden archive and my Dearest contracted spirit! You guessed correctly that the reason I'm acting like an idiot is because I'm bored to death! There is nothing to do!]

Subaru played with Beatrice's drills as he spoke out his complaints. Beatrice sighed and puffed out her cheeks to form a pout on her face.

Subaru: [what's wrong?]

Beatrice: [you said you have nothing to do then why didn't you come to Betty, I suppose.]

Subaru:[Ah! Are you feeling lonely? Now that I think about it, We haven't sat together relaxing and talking like this since a week or so?]

Beatrice:[9 days to be precise, in fact]

Subaru: [Seriously? I am really sorry for making you feel lonely after all that I said in the burning mansion...]

Beatrice: [Betty didn't say that to make you feel bad, I suppose...
What Betty wants to say is that it would be nice if you spent some time talking with Betty, in fact.]

Subaru widened his eyes at her honest attitude. He had to write this down in Beako's growth diary.

Subaru:[It's nice to see you being so honest regarding what you want. Luckily today I was kicked out of the kitchen by Ram for no proper reason so I am completely free today! So we can- wait a minute.... isn't this too good of a coincidence?]

Beatrice flinched a bit as Subaru spoke out his suspicions.

Beatrice:[I'm sorry, I suppose. It was Betty who asked the pink haired maid to dismiss you from work as soon as possible, in fact .]

Subaru:[You don't have to apologize when I'm the one at fault. Also Ram made me wipe all the windows of both the wings of the mansion and clean the bath before threatening me to get out of the kitchen for talking too much, so she didn't comply with your plan of dismissing me as soon as possible properly so do give her an earful.]

Beatrice:[No, Betty is at fault too for not talking to you directly about this, I suppose. Also, don't use Betty to tell that maid off because you are scared, in fact.]

Subaru:[Ahh Beako can understand everything about me! I am truly blessed to have you!]

Beatrice blushed a bit at Subaru's sudden nice words. But quickly wiped it out of her face and pouted.

Beatrice:[Pretty words aren't enough to make up for neglecting Betty the last 9 days, in fact. You have to do more than just talking to make Betty happy, I suppose.]

Subaru picked her up in his arms as he stood and grinned.

Subaru:[Fine then. I, Natsuki Subaru, shall make you laugh until you grow sick of it. Oh! First target for "Make Beako Happy" plan spotted! Hey, Otto! What's up? You look like a fool who lost all his money in poker and got kicked out of his house by his wife for drinking and gambling too much. No, who am I kidding? Not your wife, but your ground dragon.]

Otto:[Natsuki-san, as always I can't understand half of what you are saying but the first thing you say to me is an insult? I am honestly going to quit.]

Otto who had joined them only to be called a fool Cried fake tears.

Subaru:[Both you and I know that you won't quit so drop that stupid act and let's talk about the "Roswaal mansion's first creative art contest"!]

At the mention of a new term both Otto and Beatrice looked at him with interest.

Subaru:[I knew you would be intrigued! So here's what we are going to do....]

Subaru shared the details of the contest as Beatrice and Otto nodded, unaware of the fact that the contest would be far from what they imagined it to be.

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