"In the duffle bag I dropped that I dropped and guns can I get to it?" Rick asked.

"Forget the bag, it's not an option. What do you have on you?" The second guy asked him.

"Hang on." Rick said dropping the radio looking around the tank, finding the gun that he took from the soldier and a grenade, putting the grenade on his belt before turning back to the radio picking them up.

"I've got a beretta with one clip, 15 rounds." He said

"Make 'em count. Jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in the direction. There's an alley up the street about 50 yards. My friend will meet you there be there." The guy said

"Hey what are your names?" Rick asked.

"No time for intorductions. Move man your running out of time." The man said as Rick drops the radio grabbing a small axe.



Rick opens the hatch, hitting a walker in the face with the axe making it fall off the tank. Rick gets out dropping to the ground.

"Ahh." He said before getting up again.

He runs down the street shooting any walker in his way killing 8 of them rounding a corner, stopping about to shoot someone

An asian man Glenn throws his hands up in defense.

"Woah! Not dead! Not dead! Come on! Back here! Come on!" Glenn yelled and runs Rick follows after Glenn as he continues to shoot the walkers following behind them.

"Come on! Come on!" Glenn yelled.



Glenn and Rick are running towards a ladder.

Scott  stands on the platform killing a walker that had managed to sneak up behind Rick and Glenn.

"Let's go." Scott said as Glenn climbs up the ladder first then Rick climbs up the ladder behind him and walkers gather around the ladder trying to reach Glenn and Rick.



Scott reaches his hand down for Glenn to grab. 

Glenn grabs his hand and pulls him up. 

Then he pulls Rick up.

"That was a close call." Scott said.

"Nice timing." Glenn said hands on his knees trying to get his breath back.

"Yeah." Scott said as Glenn looks at Rick.

"Nice moves there Clint Eastwood. You the new sheriff riding into clean up the town?" Glenn asked.

"That wasn't my intention." Rick said.

"Yeah whatever, your still a dumbass." Scott said as Rick holds his hand out so that Glenn can shake it.

"Rick. Thanks." He said as Glenn shakes his hand.

"Glenn. Your welcome." Glenn said.

Rick holds his hand out to Scott.

"Scott. Don't be a dumbass and do that shit again. I'm just saying." Scott said shaking Rick's hand.

"I'll remember that." Rick said with a chuckle as Glenn looks down the ladder.

"Oh god." Glenn said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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