nside an abandoned building, lights are flickering. Chandler Riggs. Tyler Posey.

Outside Kings County Sheriffs Executive producers, Robert Krikman and David Alpert.

A quick shot of the railroad tracks under a bridge. Executive producer Charles H. Eglee .

There is a quick shot on the road of Atlanta, cars abandoned. Executive producer, Gale Anne Hurd.

In a road two crows are attacking a dead cat laying on the ground.

In a field. Executive producer, Frank Darabont .

Quick shot of Atlanta. The entrance is empty and the exit is full. Developed by Frank Darabont . Based on the series of graphic novels by Robert Krikman , Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard .

The Walking Dead.




All of the walkers are still eating the horse.



Rick is still sitting in the tank staring at the radio in shock.

The same voice comes through saying:

"Hey you alive in there?"

Rick stands up quickly hitting his head. He rubs the back of his head as he sits down reaching for the radio.

"Hello? Hello?" He said through the radio and then a sigh of relief comes through the radio.

"There you are. You had me wondering. My friend thought you were dead."

"No, still alive. Where are you? Outside? Can you see me right now?" Rick asked

"Yeah we can see you. Your surrounded by walkers that's the bad news." The guy over the radio said.

"There's good news?" Rick asked confused.

"No." The guy said.

"Listen whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned here." Rick said.

"Oh man. You should see it from over here you'd be having a major freak out." The guy said.

"Got any advice for me?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, I'd make a run for it." The man said.

"That's it? Make a run for it?" Rick asked

"My way is not as dumb as it sounds." The man said.

Another voice comes through saying "Give me that."

"Buddy, you've got eyes on the outside. There's a geek up on the tank but the others climbed down to join the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. You with me so far?" The second guy asked.

"So far." Rick said.

"Okay, the street no the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you move now with them distracted, you actually stand a chance. You got ammo?" The second guy asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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