Chapter Thirty Nine: Aphrodite, Love Me!

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Artist's Brush!
Thirty Nine. Aphrodite, Love me!

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CHERYL WOKE UP TO THE SUNLIGHT BLINDING HER EYES. She groaned and sat upright on the floor, surrounded by fluffy blankets. Cheryl rubbed her tired eyes and yawned. When her eyes cleared, she saw the pink-haired girl asleep next to her, barely wrapped in a blanket.

Cheryl was confused at Toni's presence before realizing the event that had occurred the night prior this morning. She and Toni had decided to have a sleepover at her house, and they had stayed up till three in the morning—which was the latest she had gone to bed. They had watched movies while snacking on sweets and talking about random stuff.

And apparently, Cheryl didn't go asleep in her queen size bed like she thought—instead, she had ended up on the floor and slept with Toni for the entire night? She threw the blankets off her body and got up. Cheryl could spot a stash of junk foods underneath the bed.

Then, she bit her lips when she looked down at Toni and blushed. Cheryl had taken most of the blankets and left Toni with one blanket that barely covered her sleeping body. Cheryl bent down and huddled the blankets in her hands.

As Cheryl draped the blankets over Toni's sleeping body—a soft smile formed on her face, and Cheryl gently looked at Toni then chuckled. Toni looked so cute in her peaceful state, and Cheryl tucked a few crazy strands of hair away from her face.

Her eyes widened when Toni shifted underneath the blankets, and Cheryl watched as Toni's eyes fluttered open. It took Toni a couple of minutes to located where she was then a smile formed on her face. Cheryl can't help but wonder how cute Toni looked right now.

"Hey, Cheri," Mumbled Toni, rubbing her eyes. "How are you?"

Cheryl's face reddened, and her eyes flickered, "I'm doing alright, how about you?"

"I'm kinda suffocating underneath the blankets," Laughed Toni. "But it's good because I have been freezing all night."

Cheryl sheepishly looked away and mumbled 'sorry' underneath her breath, causing Toni to chuckle. Toni nuzzled her blankets, and Cheryl watched, still kneeling on the ground. She wanted so bad to cuddle Toni right there and now.

"Do you want to lay down on the floor with me?" Asked Toni, raising an eyebrow. "We can share blankets."

"Uh—" Blushed Cheryl.

"You don't have to," Smirked Toni. "But I'm just asking—I won't do anything, I promise."

Cheryl stared at Toni and furrowing her eyebrows in thought—though she already knew her answer—and nodded. She laid down on the floor next to Toni and blushed when Toni covered her with blankets.

(STATUS: STILL PENDING) Social Casualty ━━ Choni AUWhere stories live. Discover now