Chapter 50: Girls and finally free !

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Yasmeen's POV:

Okay that is it. I'm getting Shay out of there now and Jana. I'm going to help them. Zayn will not let them go and I know it. I care for Shay he is just like my brother.How would you like it if you brother was going die?

I call Hamza and tell him to get the car ready. He said that he needed about 30 minutes to be here. I started to get dressed. I changed into a pair of light wash jeans with a white blazer. Under my blazer I was wearing a gray shirt. I grabbed my purse and my phone then left. I also grabbed pepper spray just in case.

I locked the house door and Hamza came up to me.

"Hurry up....Take me to Zayn's Hell."
I said to him and he just nodded.

He opened the door for me and I took a seat. He closed my door and skipped to the other side of the car and started driving.

So here is the plan. First go through the black door in the back. Next, Grab them and run. That is basically it. We got there in about ten minutes. I just hope Zayn does not see me.

"We are here malady..." Hamza states and opens my door.

I thank him and tell him not to come after me. I also inform him not to leave.

"Don't leave this area and don't tell Zayn that I am here alright." I say and he nods.

I walk and you could probably hear my heels cracking. I walk towards the back and I look through the window in Zayn's office no one is in there. Yas! Too easy I thought. All I have to do is grab the keys. I walk in there when suddenly I bump into Megan.

Remember Zayn's whore/secretary. I could care less at the moment.

"Move out of my way." I said and pushed her a little.

"Get out...You can't be in here when Master Zayn is not." she said and grabbed my arm. The second she grabs my left arm...I grab the pepper spray with my free hand and spray it on her eyes.

"Bitch!" She yelled at me while I got the keys to the rooms and left. I locked Zayn's office and everyone could probably hear Megan's screaming.

I walk through the hallways when a guard stops me. At least he looks like a guard.

"Who are you?" He asked me and I smirk.

"Zayn's wife." I said to him and he smiled at me before replying. I look at his name tag and it says Danny. He looks familiar.

"Oh Ya I remember you." he said and walked away.

"Wait...come back." I said and he turned around immediately.

"I need you to help me find Shay." I said to him and he smirks at me.

"Sorry....I can't only If master Zayn agrees." he states and walks away.

Forget that loser I will find them. I walk around and look at these jail cells. They look scary. I found a cell and I opened it. It was two girls and one of them was Jana. She ran up to me and hugged me and I hugged her back.

I had no clue who the other girl was.

"Guys be quiet.." I said to both of them and I put my finger over my mouth to help them understand me.

"Where is Shay?" I asked Jana in a voice above a whisper.

"Cell number 25." she replied and I was scared. They were in cell number 1. Why would he have so many cells? We all walked straight to cell number 25. Jana followed me and the other girl followed as well.

When we walked by cell #24 I saw about 3 guards standing by the door.

"You guys stop walking." I whispered and they just looked at me confused.

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