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First person POV ~
So I guess your wondering who I am,well I'm Harper I'm 16 and I hate
my life.yes that's deep you may think but my life is so chaotic you don't understand.
And just as I thought my life couldn't get any worse my mum and stepdad decide to book a "family holiday" in Devon they said they want to spend quality time with me and my two other siblings but really I know deep down there only doing it for themselves to get more time together.

Going out to friends
I was meant to be meeting my two best friends at the park at 6:00 and already the time was 5:45 and couldn't find anything to wear.

Going out to friendsI was meant to be meeting my two best friends at the park at 6:00 and already the time was 5:45 and couldn't find anything to wear

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She ended up picking a grey trackie with a lv bag <3

Third POV~
Already being ten minutes late Harper got dropped of my her mum and was with her friends in the feild where the park was
Sav-so what's the tea spill away

Josh-Yh spill feels like we haven't talked in ages

Harper-I've been busy and my mum and step dad have planned this stupid family holiday for us to go Devon and it's in 3days and I really don't want to go and also I'm gonna have to sit in the same car with all of them for a whole 4hours witch is also really bad oh god I'm talking so fast
Sav-woahhhh slow down Harper and your over exaggerating sis your gonna be fine
Josh-Ik it's really not that bad and plus there's some really hot guys up there harps(josh is gay btw)
Harper-trust me josh guys are the last thing that's on my mind at the moment.



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Liked by josh.smith and 346 others
smileypotatofaces blame it on the monsters🕺@josh.smith @savsav9

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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