Chapter 34: Broken Promises

Start from the beginning

"Oh please," Francis scoffed. "I told you I was going to marry your sister before she had a chance to tell me her name. Go be mad at Damon."

"I never stood a chance either," Damon said calmly, pulling me onto his lap. "You of all people should know, Francis."

Though Damon didn't like the word dating because it seemed juvenile, that was essentially what we were. I was his very first relationship and as badass as he was in everything else he did in his life, this was uncharted territory that I was only too happy to explore with him.

"We should all go to Cabo again," I announced. "That was so much fun."

'It was," Christian said uninterestedly, checking emails on his phone.

"How would you know?" I shot back. "You were doing exactly this there too."

"You need to take a break," Bella reprimanded, glaring at our brother. "That's why you're always alone at these dinners."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Christian frowned. I tensed a little, unsure of how he would react. Getting my brother angry was the last thing anyone ever wanted.

Damon felt my reaction and found the small of my back, rubbing slow careful circles. "I think she means you should start dating," he said. "Actually dating."

"That means seeing people for more than one night, by the way," Francis supplied.

"And you actually have to remember their names," Bella added helpfully.

"Your sisters are taken care of now, what's stopping you?" Damon asked.

"It's not that easy." Christian shrugged, rubbing a hand over his jaw.

That warranted enormous laughs from all of us. The person this city lusted over the most was Christian Ryder, future CEO of Ryder Incorporated and New York's most eligible bachelor. And it wasn't just lust. Christian was the sensible, handsome, rich, single man who would be a catch for anyone. My brother deserved the world and as protective as he was of me, I was the same with him.

"You don't want to get married?" Robyn asked softly, pulling her knees up to her chest as if she was protecting herself from his answer.

Christian turned to her. "Who'd want to marry me?"

She tilted her head to the side. "You're the nicest person I know."

"He's only nice to you, Robyn." Francis trailed a thumb over his lower lip, hiding a smile.

"He is an asshole of monumental proportions to everyone else," Damon smirked.

"See?" Christian half-smiled at her. It was true. My brother and nice didn't share a planet, let alone the same zip code.

Robyn blew some hair out of her face before forcing herself to continue. "Don't be silly, Christian. You can have anything you want."

His voice was cold as ice when he replied, "Not anything." As if there was something he wanted and simply couldn't have.

"Well," she pushed, as kind as ever. "If it makes you feel better, you are everything I would want."

Christian's eyes widened and I swore, I swore, I saw some color on his cheeks for the first time in my entire life. "Yeah?"

"I've always thought so," she replied.


"When you were blind as a bat," Francis interrupted.

"Everyone knew," Damon corroborated.

"What are you talking about?" I asked because what the hell?

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