Chapter 1-2: a new shitty orb?

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While we went to the 2nd continent we know this was the Smosh Babies continent. so issac,firefox,marshall & us went to daycare? "OH hi" shlio said. "Hi girl we need the fir-" when he said that she said: "in the playground" she said. So we saw bully1 bully2 and yllub "The fuck You guys doing here babies? And Thunderstormy I missed u!" bully1 said crying in joy. "We need a fuckin orb RIGHT NOW!" Camera said angered "jeez here u fire orb" bully2 said. So we found the 2nd orb but...... we needed 99 more so. We must go to s t o r e.

Orbs found:
Fire orb
Water orb


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