Chapter 20: Social constructions

Start from the beginning

The girls laughed.

"We're glad we met you too, we were missing a third Nicki Minaj sister." Rebecca said, " Oh, and about Vic, don't worry she'll warm up to you."

" Oh, it's fine, I'm not fazed," I said, confidently. Rebecca gave me a reassuring smile.

Girls like Victoria usually didn't like me, it had happened through-out my whole life and, at that point, I was used to it.

Natalie's eyes widened slightly.

"Rebie, I dare you to get with that guy." She dared, pointing to a tall, cute boy.

" Oh, it's on." Rebecca accepted, fixing her hair and walking towards him.

She put her hands on his shoulders, causing him to turn around. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded. He smashed his lips on hers. After a while, she broke the kiss and swayed her way back to us. The guy stood there, giving her puppy eyes.

" How do you do that?" Natalie asked, impressed. " They always fall for you."

It wasn't hard to find Rebecca attractive but what made her irresistible to men and women, was her confidence.

" Experience and practice." She said, winking at her.

" I wish I were that confident, I love it," I said.

" Well it's easy, It's all about the mentality," Rebecca said. " Act like you own the place and soon enough you will."

" You should practice with that guy." She pointed to a brunette, curly-haired guy.

" I'm not sure I should..." I said, discerning my loyalness to Jaden. " I came with Jaden."

" You came with him, yet you're here with us and he's nowhere to be seen," Natalie pointed out.

I tried to push away the fact that she was right. I hadn't seen Jaden in at least two hours and it was only an hour until midnight. I pulled out my phone and sent him a message, which had been left on delivered.

" Oh shit, he's here," Natalie said, trying to hide her face.

A tall, attractive man walked in, searching for someone.

" Forget him, Nat," Rebecca said, rubbing her arm.

" Who Is here?" I asked.

" Natalie's ex-boyfriend, Milo, they broke up last summer over a misunderstanding," Rebecca explained.

" It wasn't a misunderstanding, he wasn't who I thought he was," Nataly said, still covering her face.

Rebbeca rolled her eyes," He left you on read once, Natalie. It's time for both of you to let go already."

Rebecca was that one friend who didn't understand what it was like to catch feelings for a guy.

" See, this is why I like girls better anyway." She said, standing up. " Look at how much these men are affecting your night." She pulled us up. " While they are out having fun, you girls are sulking over them."

She grabbed a few shots and handed each of us one of them. One drink and I already felt motivated to dance and sing. Leaving my worries about Jaden behind. I was here with my new friends and it was time to stop obsessing over small things.


45 minutes until midnight and there was still no sight of Jaden. Natalie was talking to her ex, Milo, and Rebecca was sitting next to me, disappointed at her friend's choice.

" I can't believe I'm starting my new year at a frat party," I said, giggling.

"It's a tradition for the group." She said, giggling.

" Group?"

" There used to be a group called the Explicit club."

I cringed at the name, it didn't sound very PG.

" We didn't do anything inappropriate, we just used to hit various night clubs every night." Rebecca cleared up. " In fact, Jaden was in it."

" Really?" I said, lifting my head higher. " What happened?"

" The group broke up because of an affair between the members that led to a big argument."

" Argument?"

" Well, it's really not my place to tell..." Rebecca drifted off. I admired Rebecca's loyalty but I was very intrigued to know what had happened.

" 30 MINUTES UNTIL NEW YEAR!" A guy yelled out and everyone cheered.

" I'm going to go see if I can spot Jaden, he's been missing for a suspicious amount of time," I said, checking my phone.

" Sounds good," Rebecca said. " I'm going to see if I can knock some sense into Natalie."


I scanned every room at least twice and no sign of Jaden. Had he left without me?

I tried calling his phone various times before rechecking every room. I must've walked into at least 10 people. I felt sick and tired, I needed to leave.

I returned to the dance floor one last time, just in case.

10, 9, 8, 7,..

My eyes finally fell on Jaden who was standing in a corner having a heated conversation with... Victoria? Was this what he had been doing all night?

5, 4, 3...

Victoria grabbed his hand softly and he flinched but gave in to her touch.

2, 1 !!

Victoria pulled his neck down to her, connecting their lips.

My heart sank. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. My eyes burned when Jaden broke their kiss and diverted his eyes from her to mine.

To be continued...

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