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Hey guys! This is a long overdue chapter, and I'm very sorry for the wait. I have been focusing on school and other stuff so I have not been able to write. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! 


A soft breeze whistled past the window and swept through the room, as a girl laid on the white sheets of a bed in a plain looking room. The light wipers could be heard as tears fell in streaks out of the beautiful H/C haired maidens eyes. A scrunched up nose and a pounding in her head she woke up and stared at the ceiling, lifting her hand up slowly she started drawing shapes in the air. Breathing out slowly she let her mind wander as her hand dropped to her side. She thought about that dream. Or was it even a dream? It felt so real, the rain, the ground. Was this a sign that something bad was going to happen?

Lifting her body up, she sat at the edge of the bed and looked out the window at the landscape surrounding the building. Why was this happening? Why did she have to be born into this cruel world of monsters?

Thoughts flooded into her head that she did not know the answer to. Finally having the motivation to move, she touched her feet to the cold wooden floor and started walking to the door. Setting her mind on getting something to eat the girl made her way slowly to the dining haul. Arriving in front of the doors, she pushed it open lightly and walked in with her head down. Getting her food she searched for a place to sit. Finding an empty table in the corner of the room, she made her way to it. Sitting down and eating her food in peace, someone sat in front of her. Looking up she saw teal blue eyes staring back at her, there sat in front of her was Eren. "Hey are you Ok? You passed out at training." he looked at the girl with a worried expression. "Yea I'm fine, my head hurts tho..." her voice came out quiet. Looking down at her lap, the girl didn't know what to say. "Ok, well you should come and eat lunch with us again!" Eren's voice rang through her ears as she looked at him surprised. "Alright.." picking up her food, Eren gently grabbed her hand and led her through the crowded haul. Arriving she sat next to Eren and Armin, they all talked about random things and Y/N couldn't help but crack a smile for the first time coming here. Eren looked over at her with wide eyes. "Hey you smiled!" his voice caught the attention of everyone at the table. Maybe her life wasn't all that bad.


Sorry for the short chapter!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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The Unknown Titan [AOT x Titan Shifter Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang