Chapter 93

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John had got started on cooking Sean's food. Then, the phone rang for a third time that day. 

"Sean! Can you get that?! John asked.

Sean ran up to the phone and answered it.


"Hi Sean. Is yer dad there?"


Sean ran up to John.

"Daddy, its for you."

John groaned and took the phone. 


"Ey. Its Paul."

"Oh. Hey Paul. I'm kind of busy at the moment. Could you make this a quick call?"

"Well, I just wanted to see how yer holding up."

"How do ye mean?"

"Well, with yer wife. You haven't really updated me on the situation."

"Oh. That. Ye'll be happy to know that I'm filing for divorce soon."

"What? Why?"

"Paul, I can't stay married to someone who just abandons my kid the way she did. I can't stay married to her anyway if she ran off."

"I'm sorry to hear about yer marriage."

"What's there to be sorry for? It was my decision. Now, its just going to be me and Sean."

"How do you know Yoko won't take you to court so she could have custody?"

"Well, because she's the one who left a 5 year old boy home alone so she could get away from me. That's all I have to say and they won't let her have him. She knows that. Its her decision on whether she wants to visit him or not."

"Well, what are you doing now?"

"Cooking up some delicious pasta."

"Ooh. Sounds tasty."

Not for me though. Its for Sean. He wanted Pasta."

"Oh. What are you eating?"

"Salad. I've decided to join in yer footsteps and become a vegetarian."

"Good for you!"

"Yeh. But Imma miss meat."

"You can still buy it for yer kid."

"I know. I did. He really, REALLY loves bacon. He even wanted bacon for dinner."

He heard Paul starting to laugh. "I take it that's his favorite meat, right?"

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