Chapter 45

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John reached over and grabbed a bottle of aspirin. 

"I have a bloody headache." He said as he took two out. 


"No. I got nothing to stress over." John gave a fake smile. "I just need some time to meself."

"Should I leave?" Julian asked.

"Oh, no. You don't need to."

"Are you sure? It sounds like you could use some alone time."

"No..............well, I do and I don't. Right now, I'm tired and have a nasty headache."

"Okay. I'll let you get some sleep, I guess."

"Okay. Keep Sean occupied. Don't let him wake me up. But, wake me if there's an emergency."

Julian nodded. "Yeh, I'll make sure he doesn't bother you."


John closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I appreciate what yer doing with yer brother."

"Its no problem. When should I wake you?"

"When its dinner time. I don't want to skip dinner."


Julian left the room and went to Sean's room. John looked at the ceiling, then, he looked at the door. He stood back up and locked the front door. Then, he made sure the windows were locked before going back to the couch to lay down again.

Now he could sleep without worry. Seeing the one guy who shot him scared him again. Now, he didn't want Julian leaving the house at all. He was hoping Julian wouldn't ask too many questions about what was going on. 

In Sean's room, the two were just talking, not really doing a lot yet. They didn't really have a lot to do since they couldn't leave the house.

"Can we go to the park today?" Sean asked.

"Can't. Dad won't let us leave the house."


"I don't know. But he made up that decision after someone came to the house. But I don't know who. I plan to find out. Don't tell him either."

"Okay. But what if he asks?"

"Hopefully he won't. Anyways, he's sleeping now and doesn't want to be disturbed. Okay?"


Julian picked up a guitar and sat on Sean's bed. 

"Okay. Want to continue to learn?"

Sean nodded. "Yeah. How did you learn how to play?"

"I taught meself." (I can't find out how he learned to play, so I'm making this part up.........maybe.) "I didn't really have anyone to teach me."

"What about dad?"

"He moved to America. I only saw him a few times when he lived there. It was hard for him to teach me."

"Oh. Will he have time to teach me?"

"Oh, I'm sure of it! He lives here and so do you. On his spare time, he'll help you. But, for now, I'm here and will teach you what I can. I'll be here for three weeks. Don't forget that."

Sean laughed. "Okay. I won't." 

"What song do you want to learn?"

Sean shrugged. "I don't know."

"Hmm. I got one. Its a good song that dad sang called Jealous Guy. Heard of it?"

"Yeah. He plays it sometimes."

Julian started playing the introduction of the song. 

"What chord is that?"

Julian looked down at his fingers on the fret of the guitar before answering. "Its called a G chord. its one of the easiest chords to play. Get yer guitar."

Sean grabbed a small guitar and sat across from Julian.

Julian placed Sean's fingers in the right spot on the guitar. 

"Now, strum that chord."

Sean strummed it but no sound came out.

"Press down harder."

He pressed down on the strings and strummed it again. Then, he smiled.

"Very good. Now, practice that a couple times."

Julian handed Sean a guitar pick. 

"Use this."


Sean used the pick and strummed the guitar twice. 

The next chord is called an E minor."

"I know what that is."

Sean moved his fingers to match with the chord.

"Very good! Now, go from a G chord to an E minor."

Sean moved his fingers to a G, then went down to a D."

"Wrong chord. But it is in the song. Try it again."

Sean tried again and went from a G chord to an E minor.

"Very good! Yer picking it up quickly. You get that from dad."

"My fingers hurt." He said.

"I know. Once you get calisus on yer fingers, it won't hurt anymore."


"Because ye'll be used to it. It'll take a lot of practicing though. Think you can handle it?"

Sean nodded. "Yeah."

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