You only glared at Dio. It might be true that some only seem to care about money, but not all are the same. 

You had friend, colleagues working in hospitals all around the world, who loved their job and seeing their patients recovering, some even did it for free for those who are too poor to pay the bills. 

You worked in a hospital in London as well and helped out your friends when they called, you were proud to say you had such fabulous friends, some left their lives to treat those in alleyways or gangs as well as the homeless. 

Those who only care about profits are not worthy to call themselves lifesavers!

"I won't go. Home is where I remain." George reassured them, his face pale. "My chest pain has dissipated and the swelling on my hands seems to have subsided. I am getting better." The last part he addressed you but you only turned your head, facing back to the fire.

It was just a cold. Jonathan thought, but this seems more serious.

You yourself were wondering about it too. You were once a professional doctor, you still are. In your career you faced all different kinds of illnesses, but the development of Sir Joestar was more than just a normal cold. It was way more sinister. You wanted to voice you thoughts but George beat you to do it.

"Oh and congratulations on your victory today!" He smiled, sitting a bit straighter.

"You already heard?" Jonathan shot you that look but you mouthed: "this time it was not me!"

"An old college friend informed me." He winked. "I even heard some interesting gossip about you too Y/N!"

"ME?!" You shrieked. "I swear it was not my intention to shake that teenage boy until he fainted. I swear I was just excited and did not control my strength! It was an unfortunate accident!"

"No not about that, but that made a headline too. I am talking about the love affair you have with Jonathan and Dio."

"No way! Who spread those rumors? I am going to kill this person!" You were fuming in anger and embarrassment. You were their teacher and god damn it you were98 years old. That cannot be happening!?

"Haha, you do not need to hide it from me Y/N. I would not judge you, you know. I really did not expect you three to have that kind of relationship though!" He laughed. "I am glad, that you finally settle down Y/N. But with my sons. Really?"

If looks could kill, Dio would now be six feet under.

"GEORGE JOESTAR!!!" You yelled you were ready to attack him if you did not remind yourself he was ill and helpless, so you just continued to glare daggers at Dio, who was smirking triumphantly, you and him were perfect for each other, but a threesome with that Joestar brat? – Non chance.

"FATHER?!" Jonathan shouted in shook. "I would never dare to do something so shameless!"

"What does that mean Jonathan? Explain!" You shouted ready to leap on him instead to release your emotions.

"No I did not mean to insult you Y/N!!" Jonathan ducked. "I mean you are a wonderful lady however I would not dare to disrespect you and share you with another man!"

Okay, now it was Dio ready to kill Jonathan.

"Haha!" George was laughing full heartedly, calming the likes of you down, Jonathan letting out a sigh of relief.

"Some friend you have!" Dio stated. "We wanted to be first to tell you about our victory!" He successfully changed the topic. "We even ran home to tell you first!"

You fake coughed: "We sure were running, we just joked around in front of the mansion, you took your sweet time with the reporters and we went by carriage!" You murmured.

"Oh shut up Y/N!" Dio shouted in your direction embarrassed. "Well he was fast!" He continued catching himself. "Good he was not on our enemies team or we might have lost!"

"Not if Jonathan had run as fast like he was running from me, when I told him that I am going to strip him again!"

"Y/N!" Jonathan pleaded. "Not in front of Father!"

All of you looked to a visibly shocked George.

"Wait, wait, wait! This is a misunderstanding Father!" Jonathan tried, cheeks dusted pink. "It is not what it sounds like!"

"So the rumors are true. Oh my god....!" George shook his head.

"Y/N, say something! Dio!" Jonathan pleaded tears in his eyes.

"Well I wish you happiness...?" George tried.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now