Chapter 4

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" I want Jessica " a manly voice demands

" we need her to find Zelma " Another objects

" Zelma is dead " the manly voice declares

" That's a lie Daniel " the second says

Who is Daniel?

" She died the day of launching so give me the damn girl " the manly voice argues.

" If we can't use her to find Zelma then we kill her " the other announces.

It's all about a freaking Zelma I know absolutely nothing about.

I woke up here, in another room with only a mattress where I found myself on without knowing how or why.

I'm out of tears and already numb.

I couldn't cry anymore but my heart was bleeding.

I couldn't say a word but I had lots of unanswered questions.

" What do I have to do for you to let me have her " I unintentionally hear.

" Bring me Zelma then I'll give you the girl "

" what about I give you the led code. "

" Then I give you the girl " he agrees


" Bring her out and I hand it to you "

The door flings open and someone pulls me out but I'm too weak to protest

I'm brought to face the two men whos voices I had been hearing.

One was the person who killed my family and the other was probably the Daniel.

I wish I could kill him, I wish I could could ruin him the way he ruined me.

" Give her to me " Daniel demands.

" The code first " the other negotiates.

" The girl first " Daniel insists. The man holding me throws me to him and his big arms hold me to place.

" Daniel dips his hand into his pocket and hands the other a small chip "

" Leave Jessica alone from now on " Daniel states and I almost want to know how he knows my name, but none of that matters now.

This was the led code?

I lost my family because of this little piece of crap?

" Lets go " the new man collecting me like I was a freaking property attempts to take me with him but I don't move.

" Let's go " he repeats, trying to drag me this time but I hold my stand.

" I'm here to save you, I'm good " he bends down to look into my eyes, trying to convince me but I still don't move.

My eyes flash to the pistol hanging in his jacket

I wasn't surprised but I had a thought.

I couldn't just walk out of here

" Are you sure? " I ask pretending to be scared and I try hugging the strange man and he stupidly hugs me back impatiently.

He didn't think I wanted the gun but I knew I wanted it.

I slip my hands carefully carrying the gun from his inner jacket pocket as I hugged him and he quickly pulls out without noticing.

I back away from him immediately raising the gun at him and he pales.

I'm scared as hell but I have to do this.

The two men suddenly look at each other.

" Drop it " the man who killed my family commands raising a gun at me and I notice two other of his men in the room raising one at me too..

" Please drop the gun Jessica, I know I'm a stranger to you but your aren't to me. I know you're scared but you're going to die if you don't. " the man who claimed he was here to save me begs.

I couldn't trust this strange man, for all I know he could be worst than any of them, but I wasn't going to kill him.

" I wanna die " I give a very untrue smile, channeling the gun to the man who killed my family and shooting his fucking scull like a pro, taking them off guard.

I knew what was going to happen next and I was ready.

A bullet hits me immediately.

I fall to the ground hitting my head hard and embracing what is to come.

I felt pain yes, but it is never to compare to what my heart felt.

Tears roll down my eyes and confusion begins in the room.

Men rush into the room to try to save the man I'm sure was already dead and I close my eyes hoping it is the last.


Hey guys, I'm sorry for the short chapter but I've been a little... That's wrong
I've been a lot occupied this past week.
There'll probably be another update for my little cookies before weekend

And you guys I know this book has been really sad so far but the next chapter after this... Well I can't say what's gonna happen but it may or may not be as dark as these.

Honestly I have great ideas for this book but I need to know If y'all think this book should be continued.
i.e honestly

I'm not saying I'm gonna stop writing if y'all say I should but yeah I still wanna know.

And I was going to update a chapter with graphics of what I imagine my casts to be when I write and graphics of Jessica's drawings specially for y'all and @anna77137. I still will.

If along your reading you realise in anyway there's something I can do to make this book more enjoyable, kindly tell me.

And votes guys votes
That's all I'll say, Vote!

And lastly, should all try to make ourselves happy even though we sometimes lose reasons to, just remember being you is a reason to be happy.

Enough rant though

I love y'all my cookies and your girl is hella sleepy but I just had to write this tonight.

Your favourite dazzler


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