Chapter 2

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You know that moment you're confused and all you can ask is when? Where? how?why?

This was that moment.

I feel a throbbing pain in my head and chest.

Definitely the worst feeling.

I try to digest the reason why my hands were freaking tied!

Open your eyes Jess

I force my eyes open.

I try to make sense of my surrounding even tho everything seems almost blur.

I was in a very dark empty room.

Panic rise through my blood.

What the hell was happening right now?!

" How did I get here? why on freaking earth was I here!? " I ask out loud almost feeling like an amnesia patient only difference is I knew what happened b- before...

The man that knocked on my door...

He kidnapped me?

Tears literally start rolling down my eyes.

I twist my tied hands hoping I'll be able to free them but the rope isn't budging.

My legs are also tied so no hope with that.

I hear someone unlocking the door and it flings open, a bright light reflects into the dark room and I can't help but squint my eyes again.

Three men in an all black suit walk in and I manage to recognize the third one as the man who kidnapped me.

I feel panic rising through my throat as my eyes flashed to the glint of pistol hanging from the inside of my kidnappers suit.

" w-why am I here?" I try to ask but I end up stuttering with fear.
My kidnapper bends to untie my legs and I low key hope he planned on freeing me and maybe apologising for any inconvenience, it's also fine if he doesn't, I just need to get the hell out of here!

He unties my legs and stands up glaring at me with his cold murderous eyes.

He looks really angry.

" please let me go " I timidly beg but John cena had no chill.

He freaking slapped me, my face stings and a tear unconsciously slips down

" You thought you could run away hun? " he growls with his manly voice echoing the room

What was he freaking talking about???

"  please w-what are y-you t-talking about ? " I beg with my voice breaking.


Another slap

They drag me out of the room violently and my heart panics for fear of the unknown place I was being dragged to.

I want to ask where, I want to ask why I was abducted but all I can do is imagine if this was my death.

Everywhere looks so lifeless, so colourless, like the black version of earth

Men just like the three holding me where stationed at every corner of the hall I'm lead through and I swallow hard.

Mum is going to be so worried and furious if she finds out I'm missing and my sister will literally tear up.

My cheeks wet at the thought of my family.

The men all had guns sticking from their trousers and they were all dressed in black some even had dark shades on.

Extra much.

We pass through different doors and I can only imagine what laid behind those doors.

We arrive at a specific entrance and I am pushed in.

It was a room full of hefty men with obvious weapons.

At this point I was more than scared.

I am brought to face a man sitting on a mighty chair, definitely meant for kings and his glares send shivers down my spine.

He has no hair and looks really small in size compared to the other men.

He has a lot of tattoos on his neck, he probably has more hiding under his suit

his skin was somewhat light but pale and he looks around the age of 40

The room has no windows, like not even one for a little rat.

My kidnapper pushes me to the ground forcing me to kneel in the middle.

There were at least fifteen unknown men in this room, all in suits, each of them holding different armour.

I would have joked about them being cooperate criminals if I wasn't in such a terrible condition

The man stands up from his throne or whatever it is he was sitting on and walks towards me, remember I said he looked small in size, yeah rephrase, he was a dwarf.

" Zelma,Zelma, Zelma " he says one after another as he approached me and everyone goes silent focusing their attention on him.

His eyes were focused on me so he definitely was speaking to me.

" They got the wrong girl " I thought

" look you guys definitely got the wrong girl, I'm Jessica Ok, whatever you are looking for or whoever you looking for I swear it's not me. " I explain pathetically to the baby Lord of whatever kingdom this is.


He slams a pistol on my face and blood gushes out of my mouth.

I whine in pain.

I under estimated this man, for his size he really did hit me hard.

" You think this is a joke? you thought I was never going to find you right? " He laughs darkly.

" stupid bitch! " he spits at me

" you, bring me the girl and her mother. " he orders one of his men.

What girl? What mother?

" You're actually not as smart as you always proved to be, you think this new look you have on was going to stop me from finding you. I have men!, I'm influential, I'm powerful, I'm Lan! there was no way you were going to fool me and get away with it. " he praises himself and his men hail him.

Yeah he was definitely their leader.

Please someone wake me up, this has to be a nightmare

" I really don't know what you are talking about"


" What the fuck! " I scream crying

I rub my face with my hands and it is stained with blood,

my head hurts so badly

" where are you taking us to! "  I hear a familiar voice cry.

I look up and what I see next made me want to wish for death.

" Mu-m? Ava? " I stutter with my swollen lips.

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