"Well what?" The Queen demanded, now shivering violently (and not just because of the cold), looking deep into Anne's eyes, searching for answers "please, tell me what has happened"

The other woman nodded and they finally stepped within the warm walls of Westminster, walking quickly in the direction of the King's chambers.
"Richard called for a council meeting when he was at the Tower but when he returned...he-he shut himself in his chambers and has refused to see anyone since, even Francis or Rob!"
"Dear God" Marian whispered, partly concerned for her husbands welfare but really her words were to express the sudden surprise she felt as she saw the hoard of noblemen gathered at her husband's door "what are they all doing here Anne?" She hissed and her friend sighed.

"They have not been dismissed, Marian. They cannot leave until Richard gives them permission to do so! They have been milling outside for hours and are getting impatient!"
"And rightly so" the Queen replied "I shall speak to, Richard. Find out what has happened to him...though I already have suspicions as to why he has shut himself away...I think it wise if you stay here"

Anne nodded, leant against the wall as one of the noblemen turned around and Marian realised it was Francis, a look of intense worry etched on his usually jolly face mingled with an abrupt wave of relief.

"Oh, thank God you're here!" He said, quickly followed by Rob who nodded vigorously as the two men walked over to the Queen and bowed.
"Yes! We've all been praying for your return! Where were you?"
Marian shook her head
"It does not matter now, Rob" she murmured before looking past her friends to Richard's door "but what does matter is finding out what on Earth has happened to the King!"

She made her way past her two friends and as the other nobles saw her, they quickly cleared the path to the door which Marian pushed open then slammed shut, hastily turning the key in the lock lest any of the irritated men take it into their heads to see the King themselves.

Marian gazed about the room, it looked like it had not been used in an eternity and in truth it had not, for Richard chose to sleep in the Queens's rooms with his wife, had never slept in the King's chambers before, so why he had chosen to shut himself away in them now was a question Marian could not answer.

A small fire glowed in the fireplace and a few candles were lit, placed haphazardly around the room. The mirrors were covered in dust so that no one would be able to see an ounce of their reflection in them, even if they tried.

At last, Marian's gaze came to settle on the bed which was situated on an ornate dais, curtains drawn back and lying on the bed, face turned away from her, was Richard. His doublet and sword belt had been discarded, lay in a heap next to the bed, so that he lay in a rumpled shirt, trousers and his boots which were almost certainly muddying the expensive covers, but it was clear he did not care.

"Richard" Marian said gently as she stepped up the dais, perching on the side of the bed and gently laying a hand atop her husband's. He flinched "my love what is it? Your council are waiting for you"

He made no reply for a while and Marian feared for a moment that he hadn't heard her, had somehow caught a disease that rendered him deaf but then was proved wrong when he finally turned his head towards her.

It was hard for her to stifle the gasp that threatened to break free from her throat for the look on Richard's face was one she seldom saw. It was one of pure distress, one of pure helplessness that automatically fired an urge in her to protect him from the world, to fling her arms around him and tell him that all was well.

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