Chapter 3: Holiday in the Fog

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Odd and Amy were waiting around a corner for Odd's dog, Kiwi, to wake up Coach Jim so he could catch Jeremy spray painting the school wall and earn himself a detention for the whole vacation. Ulrich and Mel were helping him out, but they planned on hiding before Jim caught them as well. 

The reason they were doing this was so Jeremy could keep an eye on things in Lyoko over the holidays and make sure Xana didn't get up to no good again.

Kiwi's little yips were heard as he ran down the hallway past where the two best friends were hiding with Coach Jim chasing after him.

"Yeah, way to go, Kiwi." Odd whispered out as he and Amy shared a high five.

"Now we wait?" Amy said.

"Now we wait." Odd repeated.


Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Mel and Amy were waiting outside the Principal's office for Jeremy to come out.

The door opened and Principal Delmas gave the bespectacled boy one last scolding before leaving him be.

"What did he say?"

"Well? Tell us."

"How'd it go?"



Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Mel and Amy all asked at once.

"He gave me detention for the whole week of vacation." Jeremy replied, pretending to be dissappointed.

It wasn't until they were all out of the office area that they let the act drop.

"Cool. He really let you have it." Odd said.

"As punishments go, you're a champion." Ulrich complimented.

"Couldn't have done better ourlseves." Amy said and Yumi and Mel nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, Xana won't get any vacation this time." Jeremy said.


It was after school and the group was walking through the school grounds.

"You get to go and see your parents at the other end of the planet. Yumi's off on a vacation in the mountains, and what do I get? A whole week of math tutoring." Ulrich complained.

"If they think they can make a good student out of you in one week, well, I say good luck to them." Odd said. "It sounds like mission impossible, if you ask me."

"That reminds me, do you two have any fun plans for vacation?" Yumi asked the twins curiously.

"We'll be stuck here studying." Amy and Mel both said with a sigh.

"I thought your grades were decent?" Odd asked curiously.

"They are, but our Dad's going on vacation with his girlfriend and we don't want be thirdwheeling or anything," Mel began.

"So he's letting us stay here on the condition that we study." Amy finished.

"Yeah, I guess it would be pretty awkward if you did go with them." Ulrich said and the twins nodded with a slight shudder at the thought.

Odd stared at them as he knew that wasn't the full truth, but let it be none the less. Amy, Mel and their stepmother-to-be had a very rough relationship and both Odd and Ulrich were well aware of that as the sisters had told them about it a few years back. 

The woman would act all sweet and innocent when their father was around, but the moment he left she would turn cold towards them. She wasn't abusive at all, thankfully, but she often expressed her hatred for the sisters during the rare few 'conversations' they had.

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