Chapter 2: Seeing is Believing

Start from the beginning

"The current's cutting out all around the school and the pile on outside is way over the voltage limit, it could explode." Jeremy explained.

"But why would Xana do that?" Ulrich asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine, Ulrich." Jeremy replied.

"Surprise." They were interrupted as the one and only Sissi Delmas entered the room followed by her ever present cronies.

"Oh, boy. Here we go." Mel muttered as Sissi sat down on a spare chair.

"It's obvious my friends and I aren't very welcome," Sissi began. "but my father did say that the band was open to everybody, right?"

They all gave her a look.

"Oh, but don't worry. I don't want to be in a group of deadbeat weirdos." Sissi assured them. "But Nicholas just loves the drums."

"A drummer, huh? What does he play? His Mum's pots and pans?" Odd said which earned him an elbow to the ribs from Amy.

"Okay, guys. I'm off to the Factory." Jeremy said. "I'll keep you posted."

Jeremy then left the gym and the others decided to hear Nicholas play. 

He was really good, way better than Naomi, and they all applauded him, including Sissi and Herb, her remaining cronie.

"Looks like you found yourself a drummer." Sissi said as she and her cronies left.

"Nicholas? The drummer in our band? I don't care how good he is, the answer is no." Odd said. "Besides, Sissi set this up just to give us a hard time."

"Maybe, for once, she was trying to be helpful." Amy said.

"And you've got to admit that Nicholas can really play the drums." Yumi added.

"Better than Naomi, that's for sure." Mel said, agreeing with her friend and twin.

"She's only a beginner, she needs a little more time." Odd defended.

"Uh-huh. A couple of years should do it." Ulrich said.

"Well, if that's how you feel, then listen up." Odd said. "If you want Nicholas to be your drummer, you better find yourself another guitarist."

"And I say, if you don't take him, you better find yourself a new backup singer." Amy argued back.

"If Sissi's idea was to cause trouble she's done a great job." Ulrich said.

It wasn't just the fact the Nicholas was one of Sissi's cronies that had Odd so against him joining the band, it was also the fact that he had a little crush on Amy. If he was in the band, it would give him a chance to get closer to Amy and Odd didn't like that one bit.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a trombone going off and they all turned to see Coach Jim.

"Would you guys need a slide-trombone by any chance?" He asked.

They decided to hear him out and he was good, but not quite what they were looking for.

"Well? What do you say?" Coach Jim said.

"Well, Jim, the fact is... You see, we're a rock band not a military brass band." Odd said.

Yumi then got a phone call from Jeremy and they all quickly excused themselves from the gym and headed down to the Factory.

"At last." Jeremy said as they entered the room with the Super Computor in it. "Here's what Xana's up to. Once he's stored enough voltage in that pile on, he'll unleash it all."

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